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Level one o Who wrote it o When was it written o What type of document is it o Main storyline Level Two o Who is the intended audience o Why was it written o Assumptions Level Three o Is this source reliable and or accurate o What can I learn about the society person who created this document o How does it relate to its context YELLOW didn t have answers Works Level one o Aristotle wrote it o When was it written o Type of document o Storyline Level Two o Intended audience o Why was it written o Assumptions Level Three o Reliable accurate o What can I learn o How does it relate Life of Alexander the Great Level one o Plutarch wrote it o When was it written o What type of document is it o Main storyline Level Two o Who is the intended audience o Why was it written o Assumptions Level Three o Is this source reliable and or accurate o What can I learn about the society person who created this document o How does it relate to its context Second Punic War Level one o Livy wrote it o Written in 1st century BC 1st century AD o Historical text o Talks about how Hannibal was on the verge on destroying all of Rome The Romans were trying to restore some order to give them a chance Level Two Level Three o Romans is the intended audience o It was written to record what happened during the Second Punic War o Assumptions that are made was that Rome was in bad shape and losing hope Women were forbidden to come because when they did they wept and the last thing they needed was the city to look weak o Not 100 accurate and reliable because Livy was pro Roman and wrote about this 200 years after it had happened so it is based of passed down stories o I can learn that Rome was trying their best to keep their city together even though they were in serious trouble o It relates because the Romans were hoping the gods would help them in some way because they were desperate Rape of Lucretia Level one o Livy wrote it o It was written in the 1st century AD o It is a legend o The men were beginning to brag about their wives so they went to see what their wives were up to unannounced at night Lucretia was still working and days later she was raped by Sextus Taquinius Stabbed herself after Level Two Level Three o The intended audience was the Romans o It was written to show that this event started the Roman Republic because the people never wanted a king in charge again o Assumptions are that the Romans were polytheistic o Not reliable because it is a legend and was not written firsthand o I can learn that Romans cared a lot about their body and hearts being pure o It relates because it shows the importance of family honoring the family and the importance of women Third Punic War Level one Caesar s Assassination Level one o Appian of Alexander wrote it o Written in 1st 2nd century AD o It is a historical text o Scipio the general of Rome destroys the city of Carthage Level Two Level Three o The intended audience is the Romans o It was written to show what Scipio did to the helpless Carthage o Assumptions are that the Romans wanted to make sure that Carthage could never pose a threat on them again o Not 100 reliable and accurate since the author lived a few hundred years after the war o I can learn that the Romans wanted revenge on Hannibal from the Second Punic War They wanted to show who was boss o It relates to the context because it shows the early deterioration in senatorial leadership Not many people agreed with what Scipio was doing but he did it anyways o Cicero wrote it o It was written in the 2nd century BC o It is a historical text o Caesar is killed by about 60 senators and two of the senators he had personally pardoned before Level Two Level Three o The intended audience is the Romans o It was written to show that the people of Rome would not let someone else rule them under absolute power o Assumptions are that the Romans were free citizens before Caesar came to the throne and they did not want him to become king o Not 100 accurate and reliable since the author was not one of the assassins He can only give his opinion of why Caesar deserved death and the opinion of others o I can learn that Romans feared that Caesar would establish a Hellenistic monarchy and they did not want that They wanted freedom o It relates to the context because it shows that Caesar was trying to be a dictator the republic collapsed and that ides is March 15th the day he was assassinated Moral Detoriation Level one o Sallust wrote it o It was written in the 1st century BC o It is a historical text o The fall of the Roman Republic is described Level Two Level Three o The intended audience is the Romans o It was written to show the annihilation of Carthage is what ignited the Roman Republic to decline o Assumptions are that Romans held themselves in high esteem and had great justice and righteousness before the war at Carthage o Not 100 accurate and reliable since the author is giving his reflection of the causes of the Republic s collapse o I can learn that after defeating Carthage the Romans saw they could gain power and wealth through violence and corruption rather than through virtue o It relates to the context because it shows that restoration of the Republic had to happen in order to get Rome back on track The Civil Wars Revolt of Spartacus Level one o Appian wrote it o Written in 2nd century AD o It is a historical text o The revolt of Spartacus a gladiator that rebels and gathers men behind him to start a civil war in Rome o The intended audience is the Romans o It was written to show how the civil war in Rome began how it was fought and how it ended o Assumptions are that gladiators did not like fighting for spectator s Level two entertainment Level three o Not 100 accurate and reliable since the author lived a few hundred years after Spartacus o I can learn that Rome wasn t going to let a group of rebels ruin their city They didn t think much of Spartacus at first but once he posed a threat they took care of him o It relates to the context because it shows that Crassus and Pompey joined forces to beat Spartacus Showed other Romans not to mess with Rome Tiberius Gracchus Level one Level two o Plutarch wrote it o Written in 1st 2nd century AD o It is a historical account o Tiberius …

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