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BISC276 W16 Exam 1 Practice 1 Because anatomy and physiology have different definitions they are usually considered separately in studies of the body A true B false 2 Glucose is transported from blood into cells because cells require glucose to meet their energy needs This type of explanation is A mechanistic B theological C teleological D metalogical E scatological 3 Which of the following is a buffer zone between the outside world and most of the cells of the body A blood B lumen C lymph D extracellular fluid E all of the above 4 When you are dehydrated your kidneys alter their function to retain more water than they do when you are normally hydrated This change in function is an example of a mechanism A compensatory B mandatory C pathophysiological D pathological E teleological 5 You are interested in learning more about Parkinson s disease a neurological disorder that primarily affects motor function What is the best source to begin your investigation A Google B PubMed C public library D physiology textbook E a physician 1 6 You conduct an experiment on twenty 18 year old male subjects to see how various intensities of exercise influence heart rate Which of the following is are considered a dependent variable A age of subjects B sex of subjects C intensity of exercise D heart rate E more than one of these 7 Neurotransmitters and neurohormones both A are released by neurons B affect only cells with a specific receptor C travel in the blood to their target cell D A and B E A B and C 8 Both insulin and glucagon are peptide hormones that target liver cells The response of the target cells to each of these two hormones is opposite This information implies that A the two hormones bind to different cell surface receptors B one hormone binds to a receptor on the cell membrane and the other to an intracellular receptor C each of the two hormones uses a different second messenger D both hormones interact with receptors at the cell nucleus E A and C 9 The binding of lipophilic messengers such as steroid hormones to their receptors triggers A adenylyl cyclase activation B cyclic nucleotide formation C G protein inhibition D gene transcription E protein kinase activation 10 Negative feedback A stabilizes the variable being regulated B can prevent the initial disturbance of homeostasis C reinforces the stimulus D none of the above 11 When adenylyl cyclase is activated A calcium ions are released from intracellular stores B cAMP is formed C cAMP is broken down D protein kinases are metabolized E steroids are produced 2 12 Second messenger molecules directly A change the regulation of ion channels B increase intracellular calcium concentration C change enzyme activity D change regulation of gene expression E A B and C 13 An ion widely important in intracellular signaling is A sodium B potassium C calcium D chloride E cobalt 14 Which of the following terms is NOT used to define the structure that separates the contents of a human cell from its surrounding medium A a cell wall B a cell membrane C plasma membrane D plasmalemma E all of the above 15 Each of the following is an example of a nonmembranous organelle except one Identify the exception A lysosome B cilia C centriole D ribosome E cytoskeleton 16 The thickest protein fibers from the following group are A microtubules B neurofilaments C microfilaments D myosin molecules E keratin filaments 17 The components of ribosomes are formed by A the endoplasmic reticulum B Golgi complexes C lysosomes 3 D mitochondria E nucleoli 18 Each of the following statements concerning mitochondria is TRUE except one Identify the exception A The mitochondrial cristae increase the inner surface area of the organelle B The matrix of the mitochondria contains metabolic enzymes involved in energy production C Respiratory enzymes are attached to the surface of the cristae D The mitochondria contain no DNA or RNA E The mitochondria produce most of a cell s ATP 19 In humans only cells have flagella A respiratory tract lining B intestine lining C stomach lining D sperm E two of the above 20 Which of the following is NOT a molecule synthesized in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum SER A fatty acids B steroids C proteins D lipids E All of the above are synthesized in the SER 21 Functions of epithelia include all of the following EXCEPT A providing physical protection B controlling permeability C producing specialized secretions D storing energy reserves E movement 22 Which type of tissue below has minimal extracellular matrix A epithelial B connective C neural D muscle E A C and D 23 Loose connective tissue functions in A supporting small glands B supporting epithelia C anchoring blood vessels and nerves 4 D all of the above 24 Nerve and muscle tissue are considered excitable tissue because A their cells maintain membrane potential B their cells can be excited by various stimuli to change their membrane potentials C in response to the stimulation their cells can generate their own action potentials D A and B E A and B and C 25 Cartilage is difficult to heal because A diffusion of nutrients and other materials to and from the cartilage is very fast process B diffusion of nutrients to chondrocytes cartilage cells is very slow process C doesn t have blood supply D A and C E B and C 26 The collection of axons that carries information between the central nervous system and the peripheral effectors is called the A axon hillock B varicosity C axon D dendrite E nerve 27 Branches that sometimes occur along the length of an axon are called A dendrites B axon terminals C collaterals D axon hillocks E synapses 28 Glial cells communicate primarily using A electrical signals B chemical signals C neurotransmitters D neuromodulators E A and B 29 The Nernst equation predicts A intracellular ion concentrations B extracellular ion concentrations C the membrane potential resulting from all permeable ions D the membrane potential resulting from permeability to a single ion 5 E the threshold membrane potential 30 Ion channel inactivation is A closing of the channel in response to decrease in the stimulus B closing of the channel even when the stimulus continues C any type of channel closing D none of the above 31 Choose all the items that are incorrectly matched A activation gate closed at rest B inactivation gate open at rest C inactivation gate opens during repolarization D activation gate opens during depolarization E All of the above are correctly matched 32 Voltage regulated channels

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