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Assignment 9 Chapter 9 1 Race is are physical characteristics that distinguish one group from another 2 Which perspective focuses on how the social environment influences prejudice 3 Members of the minority group are smaller in number than members of the majority group Functionalist False 4 Discrimination is an action 5 Prejudice is an attitude 6 If Bill won t hire Tom because of his race it is an example of individual discrimination 7 Forced assimilation refuses to allow the minority group to maintain previous customs 8 William Julius Wilson believed that social class was more important than race in determining life chances 9 Which racial ethnic group are referred to as an invisible minority Native Americans 10 Pure races exists False Assignment 10 Chapter 10 1 Sex is are biological characteristics that distinguish males from females 2 In this type of society men hold the dominant position Patriarchy 3 Gender is considered to be a master status True 4 The gender pay gap only applies to those with undergraduate degrees False 5 This is an invisible barrier that keeps women from advancing glass ceiling 6 The right for women to vote was part of which wave of feminism First 7 According to the text in what year were women allowed to attend college with men 1832 8 According to the text how many women have served in the U S Senate 38 none of these 9 When does the pay gap begin for those who are in college With the first job after graduation 10 Gender is learned True Assignment 11 Chapter 12 1 Polyandry is a form of marriage where women have multiple husbands 2 Marrying within your race is an example of endogamy 3 In this type of family structure men and women have equal power egalitarian 4 What are DINKS Dual Income No Kids 5 When the last child leaves home parents are considered to have a an empty nest 6 In the US the average first time age at marriage is older than at any other point in history 7 Following a divorce which gender is more likely to marry Men 8 Social class can affect how parents raise their children True 9 Which racial ethnic family are least likely to be headed by a married couple African Americans 10 The family is universal True

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