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Psychotherapy All therapies have change improvement in functioning and quality of life as primary goal o Some focus more of symptom reduction o Other more on life expansion fulfillment Therapies are tied to general theories of psychopathology and reflect those assumptions Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Assumptions o Symptoms reflect unconscious conflict o Psychologically threatening material is repressed but still influences the individual Goals Methods o Bring unconscious conflicts and motives to conscious level o Strengthen the functioning of the ego o Free association o Analysis of transference and resistance o Interpretation of dreams fantasies and slips of the tongue o Hypnosis o Working through Neo Freudians o Less focused on id superego conflict o More focused on ego needs and drives o Interpersonal therapy especially focused on current interepersonal problemts and conflicts with therapist serving as participant observer Sullivan s concept Humanist Therapies Assumption Goal o People strive for wholeness positive change self actualization o Problems come when this is blocked o Facilitate honest awareness of self Accepting responsibility for choices Person client centered therapy o Unconditional positive regard o Empowering o Nondirective support o Empathy o Genuineness

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