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Roman Peoples Final Exam Study Guide 1 Livius Andronicus a From Tarentum b Dramatist and epic poet c Began as an educator in the service of a noble family by translating Greek works into Latin i Translated the Odyssey d Founded a school e Wrote tragedies and comedies for the stage i Regarded as the first dramatic works written in the Latin language 2 Plautus f Earliest Roman poet whose name is known a 254 184 b Playwright c Comedies are the earliest surviving intact works in Latin literature d Wrote around 130 plays 20 survived a Defeated Philip at Cynoscephalae in 197 b Politician and instrumental in the Roman conquest of 3 Titus Quinctius Flamininus Greece 4 L Mummius a Destroyed Corinth in 146 BCE Rome makes Greece a province Achaea 5 Atticus i Brought all of Greece under Roman control b General and statesman a Friend and correspondent of Cicero spent much of his natural life in the city of Athens partly to escape civil war at home 6 Eleusinian Mysteries a Many Roman leaders Cicero Marc Antony and the emperors Hadrian and Julian were initiated b Initiation ceremonies held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone c Represented the myth of the abduction of Persephone from her mother Demeter by Hades in a cycle with three phases the descent loss the search and the ascent with the main theme the ascent of Persephone and the reunion with her mother d The initiated believed that they would have a reward in the afterlife 7 Polybius 8 Manetho power 9 Alexander the Great a Came to Rome as a hostage in 167 befriends Scipio Aemilianus writes the first extant history of Rome by a Greek author i The Histories ii Describes the rise of the Roman republic to world i and invaded Egypt 331 lists 30 dynasties of pharaohs a Egyptian priest writing in 3rd century BCE b Created cult of Serapis with Tinotheus Greek a Defeated Darius III at Issos 333 conquered Syria in 332 b Founded city of Alexandria by Egypt c At Oracle of Siwa declared son of Zeus Ammon by Egyptian priest d Created one of the largest empires of the ancient world Zeus Ammon a Egyptian god Ptolemy I Soter a A childhood friend of Alexander one of his trusted generals and bodyguards b After Alexander s death in 323 appointed satrap of Egypt c Took the body of Alexander to Egypt where it resides in the Sema d Ruled in Egypt until Cleopatra VII was defeated by Octavian in 30 BCE e Used wealth from Egyptian agriculture to fund royal lifestyle building projects armies and a large navy f Sought to integrate Greek and Egyptian religion in the cult of Serapis Alexandria Serapis a City founded by Alexander the Great a God created by Ptolemy I Soter b The Osiris Apis the resurrected Apis bull c Statue was made by Greek sculptor Bryaxis has elements d Married to goddess Isis a Worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the of Zeus and Hades Isis patroness of nature and magic Cleopatra a Last active pharaoh of Ancient Egypt b Represented herself as the reincarnation of an Egyptian goddess Isis 10 11 12 13 14 15 c Killed herself after Marc Antony did d Followed him around everywhere watched him do everything Pyramid of Cestius a Near Porta Ostiensis b Built as a tomb for Gaius Cestius a magistrate and member of the four great religious corporations in Rome Herod a Designated King of the Jews by senate with support of Marc Antony b Gained military control of Judaea in 37 BCE c Madman who murdered his family and many rabbis Religio Licita a Legal religion b Julius Caesar made Judaism a Where Herod built his palace b Civilian and military capital c Residence of the Roman procurators and governors Caesarea Maritima Pontius Pilatus praefectus and Antonius Felix Pontius Pilate a A damaged block of carved limestone with a partially intact a Prefect of Judaea 26 36 appointed by Tiberius b Governed Judaea from Caesarea Maritima c Had imperial standards bearing Roman religious symbols d Allowed gold shields to be displayed in Herod s Palace in carried into Jerusalem Jerusalem Pilate Stone inscription attributed to and mentioning Pontius Pilate Chrestus a Disturbances made by the spread of Christianity in Rome Oath of Assos a We swear to Zeus Soter Savior god Caesar Augustus the ancestral holy Maiden Parthenos i e Athena the civic patron deity to have good will towards Gaius Caesar Augustus and his whole household and to consider as friends whoever he may choose as friends and to consider as enemies whoever he attacks God fearers a Member of a class of non Jewish gentile sympathizers Junia the apostle a Female who played an important role in the early Church Justin s First Apology a In the first place our argument is that though we say things similar to the Greeks we alone are hated for the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 name of Christ and that though we do know wrong we are put to death as criminals Various people in different places worship trees rivers mice cats and many irrational creatures This is the only accusation you make against us that we do not worship the same gods as you House church a First Churches b Christians met in homes a Held Church councils in order to solve issues of schism and b Donated huge sums to the Church a Constantine sees Christian omen of victory beats Constantine doctrinal controversy Battle of Milvian Bridge Maxentius Edict of Milan a Constantine and Licinius proclaim toleration of all religions 27 28 29 30

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