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Humanistic Theories American movement counter reaction to Freud Emphasis on basic good positive nature of humanity self determinism Theories developed on observations of healthy people Focus on strivings for fulfillment and self improvement and capacity for positive contributions to society American optimism vs European existentialism Abraham Maslow Criticized psychology for studying pathology weakness and abnormality o What can psychologies based on abnormality tell us about normal creative process Psychology has voluntarily restricted itself to only half of its rightful jurisdiction and that the darker meaner half Theory built on study of well adjusted individuals not disturbed patients Emphasis on universal strivings to reach fullest human potential This nature is delicate and subtle and is easily overcome by habits cultural pressures etc o Growth motivation is weak compared to motivation to gratify basic needs Maslow s hierarchy of needs Highest need is self actualization o Maximizing our fullest potential Hierarchy of Needs Hierarchy can be violated o Self esteem over love o innately creative people o Temporary choices in the service of higher need o Increased frustration tolerance through early gratification Needs don t have to be 100 met before the next one arises Characteristics of Self Actualizers Acceptance and Realism Problem centering Spontaneity and flexibility Autonomy and Solitude Continued Freshness of Appreciation Peak Experience o Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi s flow Maslow Carl Rogers Psychopathology in general results from the denial or the frustration or the twisting of man s essential nature Saw this as mostly a function of societies o Never innate or a product of essential nature Humans are basically good and self directed organism who we are and are meant to be Our goal is self awareness and self realization self concept self Psychopathology occurs when these goals are frustrated o Conditions of Worth Conditions that limit acceptance and expression of an organism true self Client Centered Therapy Rogers Unconditional Positive Regard and self actualization Promote self awareness and creative choice Evaluating Humanist Theories o The therapist accepts the patient for who he or she is o Does not impose conditions of worth which can subvert drive towards self acceptance Focus on more positive aspects of human functioning and experience o Today s positive psychology movement o May be simplistic and na ve o Abstract concepts difficult to investigate o Emphasizes sameness and universality Not good at explaining individual differences

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