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Ch 18 Taxonomy o Know how to write scientific name with genus and species Taxonomic ranks o Order of kingdom phylum etc Know what philogony is Who are systematics Study philogony 3 domains of life o eukarya bacteria archaea prokaryote 2 groups o eukarya protists plants animals fungi protists is largest group Ch 19 Ch 20 diff similar b w bacteria and archaeae o both single celled o archaea doesn t have something in cell wall shapes of eukarya o rod cork screw sphere biofilm o made of polysaccharide protein o found on teeth creates plaque anaerobic without oxygen binary fission asexual reproduction fast copies of genetic info no exchange of genetic info conjugation crossing of genetic material o sex pilis creates a bridge know what it looks like know what pathogenic means o pathogenic bacteria and diseases they cause virus isn t living o it does reproduce and contains dna can evolve know what viroid and prion is algae and protozoa difference different ways protists require nutrition o engulf prey protists reproduce by mitosis asexual o also reproduce sexually exchange of genetic info know what it looks like mitosis is cell division make copies examples of diplonomads types of protists o table 20 1 look at groups subgroups representative genus what causes red tide o harmful to fish and humans life cycle of malaria plasmodium parasite causes malaria ch 21 2 major groups of land plants vascular and non vascular alteration of generations know the cycle and whats involved some ways plants are useful to humans o vascular scientific term tracheophytes o non vascular scientific term bryophytes what tracheophytes are flowering angiosperms what vascular plant is seedless Ferns moss Which ones have seeds Angiosperms because they produce flowers and fruits Non vascular plant liverwarts some mosses Diff b w gymnosperm and angiosperms o Both seed plants but gymnosperms is non flowering o Grass is angiosperm o Angiosperms characterized by flowers fruit broad leaves Broad leaves capture more sunlight which is important for photosynthesis Ch 22 Structure of fungi Characteristics of how they obtain nutrients Fungi are parasitic Reproduce by spores asexual Can reproduce sexually Different phyla of fungi and examples of each group table 22 1 look at names and representative genre Know life cycle for each group Penicillin is example of what group of fungi ascomycetes o Alexander fleming Examples of Type of fungi that causes human disease ringworm etc Cyclosporin derived from fungi Fungi beneficial o Antiobiotics cheese wine beer o But can affect certain crops Ch 23 Know characteristics of animals Diff b w vertebrates and invertebrates Invertebrates are more abundant o One lacks backbone other doesn t Table of different groups of invertebrates o Know groups Life cycle of tapeworm parasitic in flatworm category Know what it means to have closed open circulatory system Know examples of each group gastropods bivalves cephalopods etc o Look at table Exoskeleton protects and sheds molting What organism has double life Amphibians What group is only flying invertebrate Insects Metamorphosis complete incomplete Under body plan in book Ch 24 organisms Diff structures for chordates Which structures are lost maintained in humans o Digestive circulatory nervous and reproductive system of

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