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History 1001 Test 2 Science and Philosophy The Pre Socratics material world Ionia 6th 5th century BCE Search for explanations of nature Anaximinder Whirling motion Hot heavens cold earth Wet oceans dry land Four elements air fire water and earth Leucippus and Democritis said matter is made up of atoms Atoms indivisible particles of matter make a thing Disaggregate and are redistributed after death Focused on understanding human behavior and using this info to succeed in making arguments Sophists Socrates 470 399 BCE Oracle at Delphi No one is wiser than Socrates Socrates interrogates other groups of people and comes away saying they are not as wise creates lots of enemies The Socratic Method Method of continuous interrogation Potential to undermine authority if people questioned too many things Students Plato Alcibiades students tended to not be good for Athens Some of Thirty Tyrants Athenians eventually overthrow Condemned on charges of immorality Context Athens loss in Peloponnesian War Forced to drink hemlock poison Plato Apology How does Socrates address the charges against him Explains why people think that Says they don t know what they re talking about Didn t believe he did anything wrong How does he react to the likely outcome Says death could mean 2 things he will meet the great people in the afterlife or go to sleep which he won t lose anything Death doesn t scare him they will bring a bad rep on Athens by killing him Human wisdom is limited true wisdom is for the gods What did you find most interesting about this document What did you learn about Athens in this period They did not like people who challenged authority Plato 430 347 BCE Student of Plato Systemized Socratic thought Established the Academy ca 385 BCE The Republic Creation of just society Everyone must contribute to society different roles good leadership Rule of the guardians Rule of philosopher kings trained mentally physically musically Top rulers organize society defensive role other people do manual labor and are free of government Parable of the Cave Real world is a world of ideas Theory of Forms Ideas idea of things Plato The Republic What kind of life does Plato propose fro the guardians of the republic Plato says that women can be trained guardian and be leaders should serve alongside the men at odds with current society Some marriage want strongest men and strongest women to have children people should not know who their biological offspring is all guardians raise children opposite of Athens All guardians share property avoid greed and jealousy Not interested in democracy Rule for benefit of society What is Plato trying to illustrate with the Allegory of the Cave Not how things happen but how things ought to be More to life than what humans can see What do you find most interesting about these passages What do you learn about Athens About Plato s view of the world Plato s Cave People chained to see the back of a cave people only see the shadows casted only thing to the world is objects casting shadows know there is more to the world when they see sunlight go out the cave and then come back in to tell everyone about it Aristotle 389 322 BCE Student of Plato Broke with Theory of Forms Ideas Causes Mother makes the form Form can t be anything without the father making it Father is the efficient cause Final cause of a house for example is to be lived in Emphasis on empirical findings reason Massive impact on western thought Material Formal Efficient Final Categories Politics Essence human can t change about you Accident hair color eye color can change and still be human Relationship between members of a family is what the government mimics Sizable middle class After the Peloponnesian War Athens throws out Thirty Tyrants 403 BCE Lasted a little over a year Reestablish democracy Weaker than before war Sparta and Persia Ionian states Athens defeated Sparta gives Ionian city states back to Persia as pay back for help in the war Persian civil war 2 rival claimants to the throne Sparta throws weight behind one then try to go to war with Persia not much good so they retreat back Corinthian War 395 387 BCE Corinth Thebes Athens and Sparta Sparta wins battles but is weakened Theban dominance 360s Emerges as main rival to Sparta Eventually all weakened foreign domination Kingdom of Macedon North of Peloponnesus barbarians Phillip II r 359 336 BCE takes kingship from nephew builds massive military Controls Greece by 338 BCE Demosthenes well known for speaking abilities Phillippines warns against Phillip passionate speeches against him Plans invasion of Persia Assassinated by a bodyguard Leaves a young son behind Alexander the Great of Macedon 356 323 BCE Son of Phillip II Plutarch Life of Alexander Brophy 142 144 Enslaves Thebes Shows he is no one to be messed with people underestimated him bc of his youth Persian invasion 334 BCE Avenging Greece for his father forms Greek identity Needs Persian wealth for Greek empire Darius III flees Egypt 332 Alexander conquers Egypt Libyan oracle greets him as son of Ra Zeus Rumored that his real father was a god Divinity associated with rule Alexander s empire ca 323 BCE map Pursuit of Darius Darius flees at Guagamela 331 Alexander takes Babylon Persepolis Mutiny against Darius own soldiers kill him Alexander gives state burial proper burial for king but makes sure they know he is his successor Greek and Asian Persona Robes Proskynesis bowing ceremony in order to approach him Marriage to Bactrian princess Roxanne Macedonian resentment To Indus River to establish clear outposts Revolt of soldiers won t go any further wind up going back Death after banquet during preparation for invasion of Arabia Influence of Alexander the Great Creation of Hellenistic cutures Mix of Persian Greek Indian cultures Mass marriages of Greek soldiers to Persian women Founded Greek trading posts throughout empire Greek and local language Better communication Greek is language of communiation Greeks hold power throughout empire Greek pharaohs Association of kings with dieties The Hellenistic Empires After Alexander s death competition for empire Divided by generals Antigonous Greece and Macedon Antigonid Empire Ptolemy Egypt some of Palestine Selecus Persian Achaemenid Empire Economic integration intellectual cross fertilization The Ptolemaic Empire Wealthiest of the Hellenistic empires Established state monopolies king is only vendor Textiles Salt Beer Capital Alexandria Important port city

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