09 09 2014 A new wisdom we can measure understand make it Sociology Notes 9 2 THE EMERGENCE OF SOCIOLOGY Enlightenment better Industrialization Ground shaking transformation Industrial Revolution French Revolution Made a lot of changes in society Karl Marx 1818 1883 Father of the Conflict Perspective Theorist of Capitalist Societies o Transition in classes Capitalism Revolution Society isn t stable constantly influx Emile Durkheim 1858 1917 Functionalist Theorist Structural functionalism o Interested in how society was made of different parts working o Built in a way that every part of society performs a function Anomie little guidance to people in society together o Micro Level o Macro Level Max Weber 1864 1920 Conflict o More expansive than economic class included prestige and access to power o Correlated to higher incomes o Symbolic Interaction Ideas of religion can contribute to the economic classes in society You were guaranteed a spot in heaven but nobody knew WHO was chosen o Rationalization Disenchantment Things were becoming more rational Eventually social institutions would be created No individual freedom would exist anymore We d become disenchanted disappointment when once Value Neutrality be careful not to bombard people with respected your own beliefs Research Methods Quantitative Numbers vs Qualitative Quality Approaches o Quantitative Use numbers to rep behaviors attitudes etc Surveys w large samples Experimental research o Qualitative In depth interviews Use subjective understanding of events situations etc Content analysis Participant Observation Ethics Research Elton Mayo 1927 1932 By raising the level of lights workers produce more Identified the Hawthorne Effect o Apply a condition look for effect o Manipulation of one variable how it affects the other variable Research Methods Ethical Dilemmas Biology is not destiny Tuskegee syphilis studies 1932 1972 Penicillin was a cure Still experimented on people Ethical concerns Culture Material o Tanglible o Objects o Materials we surround ourselves with Symbolic o Nonmaterial o Ways of thinking o Ways of doing Expectations for our behavior o Others have for us o We hold for ourselves o Categories Folkways Mores Taboos 09 09 2014 09 09 2014
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