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Islamic Background Mini Study Guide for Week of 11 2 Prayer at the Kaaba No images because Muhamad did not want paganism or polytheism in Islam limited syncretism Many people from all places come to pray at the Kaaba religion transcends community Jihad Individual struggle Sharia Islamic law there is no separation of church and state Christianity separation of church and state Islamic Expansion What is the motivation Who 1 Opportunity weaker societies fall to Islamic society because it is united by religion 2 Spread of Religion Global thinking Islam is for everyone Tribal thinking they re not ready Central Asia conquered India conquest and trade West Africa NO conquest trade and culture imitation Southeast Asia commercial opportunities Why is it attractive Clarity 5 pillars Commercial and Military Success tribal communities think if they convert then they ll be successful too Tolerance and Inducement head tax on non Muslims motivation to convert Encouraged Commercial Activity Muhammad was a merchant Source of Charity lower caste can escape can escape their social standing Social and Cultural Implications Slavery stipulation on treatment of slaves Art and Music wasteful use of time Persians kept it though because it was important to their culture Role of Women could now divorce and take dowry back Burka prison or shield for women Islam as a Globalizing Source Empire Builder one culture language currency Contribute infrastructure Pioneered Trade Routes took their language and technology with them The Hajj community builder Spread Arabic Culture and Language example Swahili East African tradition and Arabic put together What is the Western Tradition Part I How is the West determined This is a time when the world is split Europe is West Asia is East In the middle is the Middle East Problems 1 Classical Tradition is present in many cultures 2 A lot of Classical Traditions do not carry on into Western Europe Democracy did not survive the fall of Rome When did it originate In the Post Classical Period Part II What makes the West different 1 Roman Catholic Christianity separation of church and state a Caesar Papism fusion of political leader and Pope 2 Parliamentary Feudalism Magna Carta King must consult with vassals on important matter Pave the way for Parliament 3 Commercial Independence a Status of Merchant Class Increases you need merchants to get desirable things b since the West does not produce things that the world desires Less State Interference creates a culture of cooperation that makes capitalism a possibility Part III Western Tradition Incubation period for Western Civilization Imitator Society 1 2 3 Paradox of Exceptionality 1 Western Europe has the true faith 2 Western Europe is behind If it is the true faith then why is Western Europe behind the Islamic World Part IV Europe s Economic Dilemma 1 Depends on Islamic Middlemen makes goods expensive 2 Lack of Resources no gold silver or goods to sell 3 Balance of Payments Issue Western Europe s treasury was depleting fast

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KSU HIST 11050 - Mini Study Guide

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