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Life on planet earth notes The Case study on the Cuyahoga River This river travels through Kent Akron and Cleveland and then eventually drains into Lake Erie This study shows us how people are directing affecting the water and how important it is to human society To create a river you need to have many little streams called tributaries All rivers in general flow in one direction Problems with the Cuyahoga Dams Urbanization Sewage treatment plants Combined sewage overflows This river is used and reused by many different people Kent Ohio uses it for drinking water and down the stream the use it for their sewage treatment plant as well Sewage Treatment plant used to treat human waste solid parts are taken out and the water is released back into the river Made to remove harmful pathogens but do release nutrients and chemicals that people might have been using to treat an illness Combined Sewage Overflow When rainwater and sewage mix together in the system and causes the untreated sewage to flow into the river directly this is an expensive problem causing our water to be dirty Fecal Pollution pollution from sewage that carries microbes like Cryptosporidium this type of pollution can cause extreme illness outbreaks in people Ecoli Popular pathogen that causes people to become seriously ill Comes from the gut of mammals and exposure through water under cooked ground beef or produce that was sprayed with water while making it

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KSU BSCI 10002 - The Case study on the Cuyahoga River

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