Chapter 2 Concepts Related to Leisure Happiness Simple concepts that means so much Incredible amount of attention is given to this concept So what makes us happy video o Most people would choose to have a happy life over other options o The idea of pursuing happiness is only 200 years old because people hardly believed in happiness before then as it seemed impossible Technology vaccines and the belief in life liberty and the pursuit of o We began to take happiness into our own hands getting divorced quitting your happiness changed this jobs because you are unhappy Life Satisfaction Happiness is often linked to life satisfaction If you are happy you will have greater life satisfaction Several studies have focused on leisure s role in happiness and life satisfaction The link between leisure and happiness is the concept of leisure satisfaction how satisfying our leisure experiences and expressions are to us Pretend make believe humor Play associated primarily with children but adults do play just in a different manor Play Natural for children but not as easy for adults Spontaneous Exists outside of normal life Players are aware that play is not real and that its consequences will not affect their lives outside of play Play for adults o Its important to communicate the intention that this is play o Otherwise this action has a meaning other than a playful one o I am doing this but do not take it to mean what is normally mean o Don t take it seriously o No offense just kidding These are called Play Frames Ways of indicating one s play intentions Wide eyes exaggerated movements tone of voice context Help us know that it is play Play frames can be fragile Can break down and turn into conflict Joke can become an insult or a tease that hurts Why o Person too sensitive o Could be a touchy subject Play in social Leisure Choices o Often need others to play with us to join in and accept the play frame o Play can indicate acceptances and membership Who is picked for a team or invited to play are often those we like most The reasons we make our leisure choices are complex numerous and interrelated We use various theories and models to help understand these choices o Theoretical Explanations What is a theory To summarize existing knowledge provide an explanation for observed events and predict future events Numerous theories have been used to explain leisure based on propositions in sociology psychology anthropology economics and other disciplines o Neulinger s Paradigm Emphasizes the states of mind of leisure and work Perceived freedom is the primary determining quality of the leisure states of mind Of secondary importance is motivation intrinsic vs extrinsic 6 types of psychological states of mind 1 Pure leisure best possible 2 Leisure work intrinsic and extrinsic 3 Leisure job extrinsic 4 Pure work intrinsic 5 Work job intrinsic and extrinsic 6 Pure job worst possible 7 The distinction between leisure and non leisure states of mind is Serious Leisure the presence or absences of the perceive freedom of choice Stebbins o Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an activity centered on acquiring and expressing its special skills knowledge and experiences o Contrasted with casual or non serious leisure o High investment leisure o Make it a priority in life o Qualities Perseverance confront obstacles to participate in activity Make significant personal effort acquire knowledge training or skill needed for activity Receive personal benefits from the activity feelings of accomplishment enhancement of self image Identify strongly with the chosen pursuit sometimes more than occupation becomes part of identity hub about which life decisions are made Be a part of a unique subculture those who have similar commitment to the activity o The marginality of serious leisure These distinct quantities can marginalize serious leisure participants in a society dominated by casual leisure Desire to engage in the activity beyond the time and money Compensation and Spillover Wilensky available for it o Explain leisure choices as a response to work o Based on the premise that peoples work directly influences their leisure choices o Leisure compensates for work o Deprivations experienced at work are compensated for during leisure o Some issues to consider Is it connected to satisfaction with work Limitation does not explain the leisure of those who do not work Assumptions stereotypes about work leisure connections Flow Theory Csikszentmihalyi o Total immersion and involvement in an activity either work or leisure o Become so involved in activity that nothing else seems to matter o Athletes being in the zone everything comes together o Characteristics Loss of self consciousness Sense of complete self control Altered state of time Balance between challenges and skills If you are playing an opponent that is too easy there may not be flow If you are playing an opponent that is very challenging the anxiety might now allow flow as well o Optimal Level of Arousal Related to flow but more general Not focused on a specific activity We all have an optimal level of stimulation of arousal and this affects our leisure choices Like flow too much stimuli anxiety We feel best and perform best when in this optimal range Too little stimuli boredom We try to match our leisure choices to our optimal level of arousal Connected to tourism Allocentric tourists who try new things don t like things being organized or planned and do not return to the same destination more than once mid Centric tourists who go to places that have been popularized by the allocentrics they are not so adventurous but neither are they afraid Psychocentric tourists who like things being planned and are afraid to take risks often travel to places that are familiar Reversal Theory o Humans are inherently inconsistent o These inconsistencies have identifiable patterns o These patterns have to do with psychological states Telic Arousal avoiding Goal oriented serious minded future oriented planning ahead prefer important activity attempt to complete activity Low arousal experienced as calmness high arousal experienced as anxiety Paratelic Arousal seeking Playful sensation oriented spontaneous Low arousal experienced as boredom high arousal experienced as excitement o More often in telic state at work or school o More often in paratelic state at leisure Self As Entertainment o Based on individual personality differences o Characterizes the way people differ in their
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