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Asked partner family questions that were yes or no or how many Date October 29 2014 CCR SPED 3670 003 Class American Sign Language I Instructor Sandra Lewinski Contrast where live Student teacher Deaf hearing Transportation Marital status IX left IX right person left person right IX means index finger and point to direction Words we learned today Older beard Younger Dialogue A ask if B is married B respond affirmatively A ask if B has children B respond ask if married A respond married and have children Can point to left and establish a person there Then point to right and establish another person there You can then compare and contrast them Dialogue A ask where B lives B tell where A ask if B lives in a house or apartment B tell that you live in a house A ask if B lives with parents B respond affirmatievely A ask if B has brothers and sisters B tell that you have two brothers and no sisters A respond Bring LASL book with you on Monday

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UT SPED 3670 - American Sign Language I

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