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Epic of Gilgamesh Enuma Elish Code of Hammurabi Inscription of Tiglathpileser Hymns to the Pharaohs HIST 1001 Session Worksheet Book of the Dead Genesis Exodus Epic of Gilgamesh 1a Who wrote it 1b When was it written 1c What type of document is it 1d What is the main storyline Gilgamesh makes the gods angry so they send a monster named Enkidu to defeat him but they end up becoming friends and Enkidu dies Gilgamesh seeks eternal life after Enkidu s death but eternal life is only for the gods 2a Who is the intended audience 2b Why was it written 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 3c How does it relate to its context Enuma Elish Mesopotamian Creation Myth 1a Who wrote it Babylonians 1b When was it written 2000 1000 BC 1c What type of document is it Creation Myth 1d What is the main storyline Marduk kills Tiamat and splits her in 2 and creates Earth Very violent way of creating the Earth unlike Genesis 2a Who is the intended audience For the people so that they can serve the all powerful gods Shows the Mesopotamians relationship with the gods The men are savages and will never be as powerful as the gods 2b Why was it written 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 3c How does it relate to its context Code of Hammurabi 1a Who wrote it Hammurabi 1b When was it written 1750 BC 1c What type of document is it Law code 1d What is the main storyline List of laws and the punishment for breaking those laws 2a Who is the intended audience The people of Babylon 2b Why was it written To govern the people 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Yes it is reliable 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document He wanted order in his kingdom 3c How does it relate to its context Inscription of Tiglathpileser 1a Who wrote it Tiglathpliser 1b When was it written 1115 1077 BC 1c What type of document is it Inscription 1d What is the main storyline Tiglathpileser is trying to put fear in the people by telling them how strong he is He tells the people that Ashur god is telling him what to do so they better obey so they can make the god and him happy He has connections with the gods unlike Pharaohs who said they were gods Egyptians praise their gods more than fear the Mesopotamians fear more than praise 2a Who is the intended audience His people 2b Why was it written To show his authority 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Yes it is reliable because the Mesopotamians believed that their leaders had connection with the gods 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document He wants to be seen as powerful and to be feared 3c How does it relate to its context Hymns to the Pharaohs 1a Who wrote it Egyptians 1b When was it written 1c What type of document is it A hymn 1d What is the main storyline 2a Who is the intended audience The pharaohs Egyptians 2b Why was it written To praise the pharaohs 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3c How does it relate to its context Book of the Dead 1a Who wrote it Egyptians 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document Egyptians admired the pharaohs 1b When was it written 1c What type of document is it Declaration 1d What is the main storyline 2a Who is the intended audience 2b Why was it written 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document What was important to the society then 3c How does it relate to its context Genesis 1a Who wrote it 1b When was it written 10th 6th century BC 1c What type of document is it Moral code and creation story 1d What is the main storyline The creation of the Earth and Adam s fall from grace 2a Who is the intended audience 2b Why was it written To show the story of how the Earth was created 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate yes 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 1d What is the main storyline Moses comes down from Mount Sinai with the 10 commandments 3c How does it relate to its context Exodus 1a Who wrote it 1b When was it written 950 450 BC 1c What type of document is it Moral code 2a Who is the intended audience 2b Why was it written To show the 10 commandments 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate yes 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 3c How does it relate to its context

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LSU HIST 1001 - Session Worksheet

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