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MACROECONOMICS EQUATION SHEET What you re solving for Equation GDP Y C I G NX Per Capita GDP GDP Population Nominal GDP P1 13 Q1 13 P2 13Q2 13 PN 13QN 13 Real GDP GDP Deflator P1 5 Q1 13 P2 5Q2 13 PN 5QN 13 Nominal GDP x 100 Real GDP Inflation P P in later year P in earlier year x 100 P in earlier year CPI Cost of basket in that month x100 Cost of basket in base period Value in Later Year Dollars Value in earlier year dollars x CPILater CPIEarlier Unemployment Rate Unemployed in Labor Force Labor Force Participation Rate Labor Force x 100 Civilian Noninstitutional Population Growth Rate Real GDPLater Year Real GDPEarlier Year Real GDPEarlier Year Midterm 1 Current Disposable Income Y T TR Rule of 70 Years to double Real Per Capita GDP Productivity MPC MPS Private Saving Public Saving National Savings Real Exchange Rate 70 Growth Rate Real GDP Population GDP Person Hours in Consumption in Disposable Income in Saving in Disposable Income OR 1 MPC Y TR C T T G TR S Y G C P Dom x E PFor Nominal Exchange Rate Current Account Financial Account Financial Account Capital coming in Capital leaving NCI NFI Capital out Capital in Financial Account Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Portfolio Investment P For PDom OR Midterm 2 Total Deposits Initial Deposit x 1 R E Money Supply Total Deposits Cash Held by the Public Velocity of M1 Velocity of M2 Levels Form Nominal GDP M1 Money Stock OR P x Y M Nominal GDP M2 Money Stock MV PY Growth Rates Form M V P Y Quantity Theory of Money P inflation M Y Budget Balance T G TR Y w Gov t Multiplier Y w Tax Multiplier 1 x G 1 Cy Cy x T 1 Cy Final

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