BSCI223 Exam 3 1 Symbiosis to live together a Mutualism one host and one Symbian i Host nutrient place to replicate Symbian ii Symbian iii Bacteria in colon b Commensalism and grow i Host provides a environment where the Symbian can replicate ii Symbian doesn t provide benefits to host iii staphylococcus c Parasitism i Symbian damages the host ii Tuberculosis 2 Normal microbiota hosts a You will always be covered in bacteria i Resident microbiota 1 Normal commensal maybe haven t figured out the benefit to us is ii Transient microflora 1 could be normal but also pathogenic 2 remain in body for short periods 3 found in same regions but they are not evolved to survive for long on the surface 4 what s transient in one place might be resident in the other 5 Why wash your hands before you eat a Remove transient microflora to stop transmission of disease 3 Acquisition of normal microbiota a Babies are generally not exposed to any bacteria before birth b As the baby moves down the canal it is rubbing against the skin and it is picking up microbe as it comes along 4 Opportunistic pathogens a Normal microbiota cause disease b Conditions that provide opportunities for pathogens i Disease are caused from fighting the disease and pathogens where they are not supposed to be ii Something that breaks the surface f your skin will transmit the pathogen to the inside of the skin iii Changes can cause microbes to grow and expand 5 Three reservoirs of infection a Animal reservoir b Human reservoir c Nonliving d Not listed environment 6 Foodborne illness 77 billion dollars a 3 000 deaths annually b 48 million cases c salmonella d campylobacter e norovirus f etc 7 Zoonoses a Disease we require from other animals b Can be through eating c Ticks mosquitos d Humans are usually a dead end e Zoonoses is a dead end for many pathogens because i All of the above 8 Human carriers a Asymptomatic infected individuals b Some individuals fall c Others never get sick 9 Portals for entry a Skin b Mucous membranes c Placenta Parenteral route d Microbes under the skin with pierced skin 10 In through a Ear b Anus c Conjunctiva of eye d Nose e Mouth f Placenta g Vagina h Penis i Urethra 11 Adhesion 12 Attachment proteins a Help in adhesion b May be on viruses 13 Biofilms a Organisms have to adhere a One organism attacks to the surface b Replicates c Micro colony d Organized structure e Organisms turn on certain genes f Protection against phagocytosis 14 Nature of infectious diseases a Infection of the host by a pathogen b Disease alters the bodily functions 15 Host pathogen interactions a Human i Defenses Innate 1 2 Required ii Treatments 1 Antibiotics iii Prevention 1 Vaccines i Virulence factors ii Rapid growth iii Large iv Synergisms b Microbe 16 Disease a Link symptoms to causes b Diarrhea and vomiting only symptoms c Treatment needs to fit the disease d Some pathogens can cause more then one disease 17 At what point in the progress with and infectious disease could a victim get another person sick a At all points 18 Pathogenicity a ability of the pathogen to cause a disease b Virulence i What aids in the ability to cause disease in humans What is an LD50 The dose of a chemical need to kill 50 of a population 1 ID 50 is the infectious dose 2 How many microorganisms do you need to get sick 3 Extracellular enzymes a Secreted by all sorts of microorganisms b Helps maintain invade And avoid body defenses Virulent not virulent Mutants are this 1 Toxins a Chemicals or enzymes produced by bacterial cells by tissues b Triggers in a way the immune response damages us more then the microbes c Toxemia toxins in the blood stream d Exotoxins secreted by the cell gram ne and pos killing the cell allowing the bacteria to invade and digest cellular components e Endo toxin release by the death of gram negative bacteria LPS layer acts as a toxin to the body 2 West Nile virus a Hardest hits in rocky mountains PAK 3 1 If Federica has an ear infection caused by stepp Why doesn t she get pneumonia 1 Residing in her ears makes an ear infection instead 2 Might be asymptomatic carrier Could you isolate strep Nu From your nasal cavity 1 Yes Why aren t you sick I m asymptomatic carrier It s the wrong strain 2 3 4 My immune system is fighting it before there are signs of the disease 5 The dose is too small to make me sick What are some possible components of the puss found in the middle ear 1 All of the above 2 Leukocytes 3 Cellular debris 4 Pathogens 5 Toxins 6 Antimicrobial chemicals 7 Complement proteins 8 Antibodies How does this cause redness in the eardrum 1 Inflammatory response What are two scenarios where this antimicrobial drug will not be useful in the disease 2 Bacterial resistance to amoxicillin 3 When the dose is far below the effective dose B cell variation Variable region 1 Epitope 2 B calls can recognize one antigen Bcells make antibodies Secreted by plasma cells Have antigen binding sites Stem cells divide and multiply into B cells B cell response 1 Plasma cells 2 Memory cells Immunological memory Exposed to antigen A Stimulates a B cell response Plasma and memory cells Increase abound of antibodies which bind to antigen A The body then clears off to be energy efficient B plasma cells die Takes about 2 weeks to make the antibody production then decline and memory cells stay and fight the rest Second time you re exposed to antigen A Second B cell response memory cells larger part of the chart 1 Why does antibody production wane a They need constant stimulation b Absence of stimulation can lead to apoptosis programed cell death 2 How to we acquire antibodies a Active and nature exposure look at chart artificial as well 3 Antibodies functions a Activation and inflammation b Neutralization i Antibodies can make them inactive by changing structure or making it no long available to bind to it s receptor c Immobilization i Flagellum when antibodies bind to it causes the bacteria not to ii function IF CHOLERA CANT MOVE IT DOES NOT CAUSE THE SAME DIESEASE IF IT IS WAS NOT BOUND i Bound to an incoming microorganism phagocyte recognizes d Opsonization it ii Complement activation complement proteins binds MAC e Agglutination and precipitation 1 Viruses are huge 2 Antibodies are protein sized 3 NK cells a Secrete toxins which invade the eukaryotic cells b Not a target for phagocytosis c NK cells secrete compound that can kill this cell 1 BCR a See antigens epitopes b Signal Bcall to make antibodies 2 Major histocompatibility complex MHC
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