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What You Need to Know Be able to talk about the shift of the art world in response from the events in WWII Be able to talk about the movements and artists during this time Terms Abstract Expressionism An emotional expresion of art that emphasized non objective qualities and the spontaneity of the art process A combination of real world materials onto a canvas A movement that reflects the popular culture mass media and mass production of American lifestyle that in New York during the early 1960s An art movement that emerged during the early 1960s that used unconventional materials to geometric and conceptual works of art An art movement that came after the Minimalist movement that used geometric and conceptual concepts to reflect powerful emotional and political issues An art movement that uses the alteration of a landscape to create temporary Combines Pop Art Minimal Art Post Minimalism Earthworks work of art Conceptual Art Feminist Art An art movement that used the concepts created by Marcel Duchamp to have art serve as an idea rather than a representation of beauty or skill A movement in which female artists made art centering around women s issues Additional Information Discussion Questions What was the new art center of the world after a shift occurred in order to get away from the tumultuous events of WWII New York became the new art center of the world after a shift occurred in order to get away from the tumultuous events of WWII Artists and Movements Abstract Expressionism Who served as a bridge from Surrealism to Abstract Expressionism Arshile Gorky served as a bridge from Surrealism to Abstract Expressionism Who is the most famous Abstract Expressionist painter who is known for his drip paintings Janson Pollock is the most famous Abstract Expressionist painter who is known for his drip paintings Also the first artist to move from the easel to the floor His works show a record of his process rather than a record of the image What are the two types of painting that exists in Abstract Expressionism Gesture painting and color field painting are the two types of painting that exists in Abstract Expressionism Gesture painting is a type of painting style defined by its quick process Color field painting is a type of painting that uses color to convey meditation and express the elements that related to universal truths What abstract expressionist did work representing the female nude Willem de Kooning did work representing the female nude Which artists rejected abstract expressionism as they created combines Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns rejected abstract expressionism as they created combines Although viewed as Pop Art because of its American themes John s Three Flags is a creation of flat objects to remove illusionary depth Combines Pop Art Which art movement did artists take low art and placed it in a high art context In the Pop art movement artists took low art and placed it in a high art context Which artist is associated with the Pop Art movement Andy Warhol is associated with the Pop Art movement Which painting by Warhol not only represents the repetition of an image in order to mimic what happens in the process of mass production but also takes the meaning out of the object as a singular item Campbell Soup Cans by by Warhol not only represents the repetition of an image in order to mimic what happens in the process of mass production but also takes the meaning out of the object as a singular item Minimal Art Which art style is stripped down to the basic forms Minimalist art is stripped down to the basic forms Who is a famous Minimalist artist who used non art materials What is a unique aspect about Minimalist artist Minimalist artist did not create their own work however they hired manufacturers to create the work for them after giving them their idea By doing this the artist hand or touch disappeared from art Post Minimalism Who is a post minimalist artist that produced site specific art Richard Serra was a post minimalist artist that produced site specific art Earthworks Who was a famous earthworks artist Robert Smithson was a famous earthworks artist Conceptual Art What art is about the ideas that art creates Conceptual art is about the ideas that art creates Which work by Joseph Kosuth defines conceptual art One and Three Chairs by Joseph Kosuth defines conceptual art Feminist Art Which art promotes the acknowledgement of women left out of history Feminist art promotes the acknowledgement of women left out of history Which art sets up an idea of a dinner party with every important woman in history Judy Chicago sets up an idea of a dinner party with every important woman in history

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HCCC ART 125 - Terms

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