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IWorx Assignment 1 Introduction An iWorx machine in this lab is used to familiarize the students with the software in order to perform more iWorx in future labs Students will use iWorx and learn the functions of Labscribe software to acquire information interpret and analyze data This program uses electrical current to measure cardiac activity within the heart In this lab we tested the pulse rate of individuals while at rest and compared the results to the normal range for their corresponding age Hypothesis The average resting heart rate of a young adult ages 18 21 is between 60 80 beats per minute In terms of gender resting heart rate for a normal female between the ages of 18 21 is 74 78 beats per minute More specifically athletically fit female have a heart rate between 54 60 beats per minute For this exercise I was a subject and as an active female I hypothesized that my resting heart rate would be approximately 59 beats per minute Methods By attaching the individuals finger to the sensor of the machine we were able to compute the resting heart rate of a subject If successfully executed iWorx would provide us with accurate data to determine if our hypothesis was accurate iWorx recorded the heart rate of the participant using pulse and time It was emphasized that the participant had to remain in a relaxed and stable position in order for the machine to calibrate correctly and prevent interference of any sort Once the pulses were read by the data component the information was translated on our computers through Labscribe The data that we observed was then used to find the pulse measure by observing the difference in the amplitude of pulse waves This displayed the two contractions that occur within the heart through the atria and the ventricles in beats per minute BPM Results Our results showed that my resting heart rate was 71 42 BPM Our hypothesis did not attest to the data instead the actual heart rate was higher than the expected heart rate of 59 BPM Heart rate can be affected by many factors such as stress or an individual s fitness age height etc Based on the data it can be inferred that I was incorrect about how active I am as an individual and instead of being considered an athletic female I have the heart rate of an above average female

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UMD BSCI 202 - IWorx Assignment 1

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