Alessia Ieraci CLA 2010 Midterm Study Guide Forced to be a Vestal Virgin by brother Amulius who took over thrown Founding legend of Rome Ilia Rhea Silvia conceives children with Mars 1 Romulus Remus Raised by wolves Rom kills Remus while fighting over land Overthrew Amulius reinstated Numitor as king of Alba Longa Rom has the men in Rome abduct the Sabine women 2 Rhea Silvia Also known as Ilia Mother of Rom and Remus Conceived twins by god Mars Distant descendant of Aeneas Daughter of King Numitor 3 753 BCE Romulus founds senate of Rome 4 Numa Pompilius 2nd King of Rome 715 BCE 673 BCE Chosen by senate base on reputation for justice and piety Claimed to have close relationships with deities Religion 5 Tullus Hostilius 3rd King of Rome Warlike King Built senate house 6 Sextus Tarquinius Raped Lucretia 7 Tarquinius Superbus 7th King of Rome Known as Tarquin the Proud Reign described as a tyranny Killed prior king elder brother and wife in order to be king 8 Lucreita Member of Roman ruling class Married Raped by sextus Tarquinius Killed herself after Last King of Rome Finished the building of the Temple of Capitoline Jupiter Superbus his cognomen means Proud Son of King Tarquin the Proud Sacred boundary of the city of Rome Interpreting omens from the observed flight of birds 9 Brutus Assassinated Julius Caesar Politician of late Roman Republic 10 Poemerium 11 Augury 12 509 BCE Early Roman Republic Tarquins expelled Army is most stable organization becomes the basis of early govt Centuries Assembly chief voting body Praetors the top leaders imperium 13 Battle of Lake Regillus Roman victory over Latin league Tarquins last try to reclaim throne 14 Imperium Power to command 15 Tribune of the Plebs First office of the Roman state open to Plebs Officers who protect the interest of the Plebs Preside in council of Plebs 16 Council of the Plebs Passed laws elect magistrates try judicial cases 17 Sacrosanctity A right of tribunes to not be physically harmed 18 Consul Highest elected office of the Roman Republic 19 Censor Officer responsible for maintaining the census supervising public morality and Latins lead by Tarquin the Proud Legislative assembly for Plebs overseeing certain aspects of the govt s finances 20 Senate Appointed by the censors Populated by ex magistrates Advise the consuls Plebs and Patricians 21 Patricians Aristocratic families 22 Plebeians General body of free Roman citizens 23 Centuriate Assembly Comitia Centuriata 193 centuries based on wealth and age Highest court of appeal Most important assembly Law allowing for marriage between Plebs and Patricians 24 Struggle of Orders Patricians monopolize state office and priesthoods Plebs ground down by elite abuses hunger and debt Plebs secede at times of crisis to get leverage 25 Lex Canuleia Passed in 445 BCE 26 Lex Hortensia Passed in 287 BCE 27 Latin rights Law that made all resolutions passed by Plebs binding on all citizens Commercium allowed Latins to own land in any of the Latin cities and to make legally enforceable contracts with their citizens Connubium permitted them to make a lawful marriage with a resident of any other Latin city Ius migrationis gave people with Latin status the capacity to acquire citizenship of another Latin state simply by taking up permanent residence there a victory with such a devastating cost that it is tantamount to defeat Strongest opponent of Rome Second cousin to Alexander the Great Last battle fought between the forces of Pyrrhus and Romans Fought to a draw 28 Tarentum Emerged as the strongest Greek city in Italy Constant wars with Italian hill tribes Called for help from Sparta 29 Pyrrhus of Epirus Descended from Achilles Defeated Rome twice 30 Battle of Beneventum 31 Pyrrhic victory 32 Punic Wars 3 wars fought between Rome and Carthage Rome conquered Carthage s empire and destroyed the city 33 Hannibal Carthaginian military leader Occupied Italy for much of 15 years Destroyed Roman army at Trebia River Defeated in Africa at Zama in 202 BCE 34 Marius Roman general Held office of Consul Defeated invading Germanic tribes First fight for Sicily Rome wins Sicily Sardina Corsica Fought against Hannibal destroyed Roman army but then was defeated Invested with imperium to stop Lepidus and finish off Sertorius in Spain Finished off stragglers of Spartacus supporters Soldiers that carried a lot of gear Professionalized army 35 Marius mules 36 Sulla Roman general Reformed constitution 37 Sullan constitution Limits tribune s veto dead end office Quaestors increased in number to 20 Praetors increased to 8 Established rigid schedule for holding magistracies Restored courts to the Senate Added 450 men to the Senate total now 600 Governors to stay in their own provinces 38 Proscriptions Public identification and condemnation of enemies of the state 39 Pompey Consul in 70 BCE with Crassus Reversed Sullan reforms Given command to sweep pirates from Mediterranean 40 Crassus Consul in 70 BCE with Pompey Richest man in Roman history 41 Spartacus Gladiator 42 Caesar Roman general Defeated Pompey 43 Dictator Perpetuo Office held by Caesar 44 Ides of March March 15th Day Caesar was assassinated 45 Marc Antony 46 Octavian Caesar s adopted son and heir Defeated the assassins 47 Second Triumvirate Political alliance of Marc Antony Octavian and Lepidus Official legally established institution with overwhelming power Outranked all other magistrates 48 Battle of Actium Supporter and military leader for Caesar during conquest of Gaul Financial patron of Julius Caesar Revered Leading from the top of the Capitoline hill Confrontation of the Final War of the Roman Republic Naval engagement between Octavian and Antony Octavian s victory allowed him to have power over Rome 49 Augustus Octavian s title Rewarded the him by the Roman Senate 50 Sacra via Sacred Way Main street of ancient Rome 51 Temple of Castor and Pollux Built in gratitude for victory at the battle of Lake Regillus Twins of Gemini 52 Regia Residence or main headquarters of the Kings of Rome 53 Shrine of Vesta Built by Numa Circular footprint Goddess of hearth and home 54 Comitium Open air public meeting place 55 Temple of Saturn Saturn is the god of the capitol Located at the foot of the Capitoline Hill Located on the Sacra Via Sons of Zeus and Leda
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