MAN4301 Exam 2 Study Guide 10 19 2015 Chapter 6 Selection Process Screening applications and resumes Testing and reviewing work samples Checking references and background Making a selection Interviewing candidates Selection Methods Multiple Hurdle Model o Process of arriving at a selection decision by eliminating some candidates at each stage of selection process Compensatory Model o Process of arriving at a selection decision in which a very high score on one type of assessment can make up for a low score on another Validity of selection Test vs Work Performance Validity extent to which performance on a measure such as a test score is related to what the measure is designed to assess such as job performance Federal government s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures accept three ways of measure validity o Criterion related Validity Measure of validity based on showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance scores Two types of research Predictive validation research that uses test scores of all applicants and looks for a relationship between scores and future performance of applicants who were hired Concurrent validation research that consist of administering a test to people who currently hold a job and then comparing their scores to existing measure of job performance o Content Validity o Construct Validity Consistency between test items or problems and kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job Consistency between a high score on a test and high level of a construct intelligence or leadership ability as well as between mastery of this construct and successful performance of the job Illegal i e protected status Questions All selection methods must conform to existing laws and legal precedents o Civil rights act of 1964 and 1991 o Age discrimination in employment act of 1967 o Americans with disabilities act of 1991 Impermissible questions o What was your maiden name o What s the nationality of your name o How old are you o How would you feel about working for someone younger than you o What is your height weight o Dou you have any disabilities o Have you been seriously ill o Please provide a photograph of yourself o What is you ancestry o Are you a US citizen Where were you born How did you learn to speak that language o Is that school affiliated with religious group o When did you attend high school o What is your religion What holidays do you observe o Marital status o Have you ever been arrested o What organizations or groups do you belong to Candidates Privacy Rights o Employers should collect data only at secure websites o Fair credit reporting act required employers to obtain a candidate s consent before using a third party to check candidate s credit history or references If the employer decides not to hire based on the report employer must give applicant a copy of the report and summary of applicant s rights BEFORE taking action Immigration Reform and Control Act 1986 o Federal law requiring employers to verify and maintain records on applicant s legal rights to work in the US Form I 9 Applicant present documents showing their identity and illegibility to work Law prohibits employer form discriminating against the person on basis of national origin or citizenship status Chapter 7 Steps in Instructional Design Process An effecting training program is designed to teach skills and behaviors that will help the organization achieve its goals HR professionals approach training through instructional design o A process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs o Steps Assess needs for training Ensure readiness for training Plan training program Objectives Trainers Methods Implement training program Principles of learning Transfer of training Evaluate results Learning Management System A computer application that automates the administration development and delivery of training programs Used to carry out instructional design process more efficiently and Can be linked to the organization s performance management effectively system to plan and manage o Training needs o Training outcomes o Associated rewards Organizational Analysis Process for determining appropriateness of training by evaluating characteristics of the organization It looks at training needs in light of o The organization s strategy o Resources available for training o Management s support for training activities Types of Training Classroom distance learning Audiovisual training Computer based training o E learning involves receiving training via internet or intranet uses electronic networks for delivering and sharing information offers tools links and information for helping trainees improve performance o Electronic Performance Support Systems EPSS provide access to skills training information and expert advice whena problem occurs on the job OJT on the job o Apprenticeships o Internships o Issue a policy statement describing purpose of OJT emphasizing organization s support for it o Specify who is accountable for conducting OJT and should review OJT practices at similar companies o Train managers and peers in OJT principles o Provide employees access to lesson plans checklists procedure manuals training manuals learning contract and progress report forms o Assess employee s level of basic skills before conducting OJT with an employee Simulations training method that represents a real life situation with trainees making decisions resulting in outcomes that mirror what would occur on the job o Avatars o Virtual reality Business Games case studies o Case studies detailed descriptions of a situation that trainees study and discuss o Business games require trainees to gather and analyze information and make decisions that influence the outcome Behavior modeling Experiential participants learn concepts and apply them by simulating behaviors involved and analyzing the activity and connecting it with real life situations o Adventure programs Team training o Cross team leader training o Coordination Action Learning a teamwork and leadership training program based on use of challenging structured outdoor activities Chapter 8 Employee Development Combination of formal education job experiences relationships and assessment of personality and abilities to help employees prepare for the future of their careers Development is about preparing for change in new jobs responsibilities or requirements Formal Education Assessment o Workshops short courses
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