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Bio 1111 lab final review Animals are in domain Eukarya and kingdom Animalia o Multicellular and heterotrophic o Two subkingdoms Parazoa sponges and Eumetaoa all other animals 13 characteristics observed Symmetry radial bilateral asymmetrical Tissue organization layers or not Body cavity acoelomate flatworm pseudocoelomate nematode eucoelomate annelid o o o o Openings into the digestive tract Circulatory system closed or not o o Habitat aquatic or terrestrial o Organs for respiration o Organs for excretion Type of locomotion o Support system o Segmentation o Appendages o Type of nervous system o Phylum Porifera Sponges o Unique body form o Phylum Cnidaria Hydra Spicule for protection osculum opening central cavity choanocyte sponging bilateral symmetry o o Corals jellies sea anemones Portuguese men of war Tissues but no complex organs marine species cells called cnidocytes tentacles to capture food extracellular and intracellular digestion Phylum Platyhelminthes Planarians Flatworms not parasitic Live under rocks leaves and debris in freshwater move using muscles and cilia o o o Digestive system has a mouth pharynx branched intestine o o Brain and two ventral nerve cord for he nervous system Auricle eyespots three well defined embryonic tissue layers two lateral excretory canals and flame cells that move fluid through the canals o No respiratory circulatory or skeletal systems Phylum Nematoda Roundworms Live as parasites in the intestines of mammals o o Mouth and anus bilateral not a true coelom reproductive organs digestive tract tube within a tube excretory system two longitudinal tubes lying in these lateral lines o No organs for gas exchange or circulation anaerobic nervous system one dorsal and one ventral nerve cord pseudocoelomate Phylum Annelida clamworms earthworms Clamworm marine environment o Sensory appendages mouth digestive tract segmentation bilateral muscle layer one inside the skin and a second layer on the surface of the intestine coelomate blood vessels gas exchange across wet thin surface bilobed brain o Earthworm terrestrial Mouth and anus clitellum holds eggs segmented brain two nerves from brain to pharynx ventral nerve cord coelom Pharynx esophagus crop gizzard intestine excretion done by nephridia Phylum Mollusca Clams o Second to the phylum Arthropoda in numbers Four characteristics hard external shell mantle visceral mass muscular foot locomotion o o Gills mouth anus heart true coelom intestine auricles sinuses nephridia kidneys gonads digestive gland stomach Phylum Arthropoda o Crayfish streams ponds swamps o Grasshopper terrestrial Segmentation body divided head thorax and abdomen appendages walking legs swimmerets and tail Gills heart arteries sinuses open circulatory system stomach digestive glands intestine bilateral two green glands excretory organs brain ventral nerve cord antenna mouth anus Body divided head thorax abdomen Appendages wings and large legs Digestive tract mouth to the anus esophagus crop stomach intestine and rectum Tracheae respiratory system Exoskeleton true coelom excretory system malpighian tubules ventral nerve cord Phylum Chordata o Lancelet marine animals Marine animals that burrow in sad in tidal flats feed with their head end extended from their burrow resemble fish superficially but their head is poorly developed unique features not found in fish or other vertebrates Four characteristics pharynx with gills slits post anal tail nerve cord notochord Closed circulation mouth anus atrium atripore segmental muscle Fetal Pig o Body is divided head neck thorax and abdomen External nostrils auricle nictitating membrane covers the eyes epitrichium outer embryonic skin o Umbilical cord ventral side sex determined by urogenital opening male below the umbilical cord female below the tail o Digestive system Diaphragm divides the body cavity into the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity only mammals have Coelomic covers all organs The lining of the abdominal cavity partial peritoneum the covering of the organs visceral peritoneum Teeth tongue covered with papillae hard palate soft palate glottis beginning of the respiratory passageway epiglottis flap that covers the glottis esophagus beginning of the digestive tube pharynx Umbilical vein passes from the umbilical cord to the liver liver functions including processing nutrients and detoxifying toxins and drugs production of bile underneath the liver is the gallbladder bile is stored Stomach a large saclike organ lying dorsal to the liver Folds are called gastric rugae Mechanically churns food and mixes it with water mucus hydrochloric acid and protein digestive enzymes The esophagus passes through the diaphragm to the upper medial border of the stomach Food passes through the cardiac sphincter to the stomach Spleen a dark organ lying along the greater curvature of the stomach filters the blood Food then passes into the small intestine through the pyloric sphincter closed when food is in the stomach to prevent the food entering the small intestines prematurely Duodenum portion of the small intestine connecting with the stomach Pancreas an irregular granular looking gland lies in a loop of the duodenum Enzymes from the pancreas and duodenal wall along with bile are added to food o Common bile duct enters the duodenum Hepatic duct passing from the liver Cystic duct leading from the gallbladder Jejuno ileum extensive highly convoluted portion of the small intestine extending from the duodenum to the colon Duodenum joins the jejunum which leads to the ileum The ileum joins the colon Most digestive food is absorbed into the circulatory system through the walls of the jejuno ileum Villi and microvilli greatly enhancing the absorbing capacity Mesentery thin membrane which support the folds of the jejuno ileum Large intestine or colon is larger in diameter than the small intestine Function is to reabsorb water that has been added along with enzymes and mucus to the food mass as it passes down the digestive tract Rectum is the distal portion of the colon that passes deep into the caudal portion of the abdominal cavity and to the outside of the body at the anus Water reabsorption continues o Circulatory respiratory excretory systems function collectively utilizing environmental materials eliminating wastes and maintaining a stable internal environment Respiratory system Heart and pulmonary blood circuit Thoracic cavity houses the heart and lungs Sternum is the flat bone lying midventrally to

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