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Video the importance of art painting as a way of communicating idea in the Post Classical Period The Impact of Islam Continued How does an icon work It sends you a message People in the Post Classical period were meant to contemplate on the paintings Why is art an important part of communicating Because people could not read nor write Books were expensive and difficult to produce before printing press St Nicholas was the Patron Saint of sailors much like Neptune Poseidon This represents the syncretic blend of worship between global religions and tribal religions Prayer at the Kaaba Example Malcolm X Why don t Muslims have images movies etc Muhammad didn t want paganism polytheism in Islam because images could become objects of worship Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca There is a lot of cultural interaction religion supersedes tribal views and where you are from A radical civil rights leader during the 1960 s He wanted African Americans to have their own schools neighborhoods etc Later in life he makes the Hajj and sees all the races coming together and it makes him change his mind about having separate schools and neighborhoods In response to this his ideas become less radical Additional Doctrines Jihad individual struggle Sharia Islamic Law Christianity and Islam Example of Sharia Australia Christianity has a separation of church and state Many Muslims in Australia do not want to follow Australian government Instead they choose to govern themselves by Sharia law which causes problems for the Australian government What Motivates Expansion 1 Opportunity What do Islamic conquerors want Plunder territory adventure glory Expansion happens because those people were close to the Islamic world and they were fighting which made their societies weak Islam was motivated by a common religion 2 Spread of Religion Islam the religion of the sword Islamic leaders debated on what to do with conquered nations Global and universal perspective debating with tribal perspective Tribal They re not ready for Islam Global Islam is for everyone Spread of Islam What regions adopt Islam during the Post Classical Period How is it introduced Who does Islam conquer Central Asia Islamic Conquest Conquering these people and the Turks eventually leads to the Ottoman Empire controlled by Islamic Turks India Conquest and Trade 15 20 of India is Muslim Conquest and merchants brought Islam here An example of Islamic architecture in India Taj Mahal has 4 minarets pointed arches and Persian calligraphy West Africa Unique conquest plays no role in the conversion to Islam Converted as a result of trade and cultural imitation Mansa Musa King of Mali who was looking for an opportunity to imitate someone He helped spread Islam across Africa Southeast Asia Mostly a result of commercial opportunities Why did people find Islam attractive The clarity of Islam the 5 pillars a confession and 4 obligations Christianity and Buddhism are more complex in their explanations Arab Commercial and Military Success Other societies think Why are they doing well and I m not Because of their god of course Tolerance and Inducement When Islamic conquerors moved into India they had a policy of tolerance to existing religions in the form of a head tax on all non Muslim people This was motivation for some people to convert to Islam Islam encouraged merchant activity Muhammad was a merchant Source of Charity financial support lower caste pariah convert to Islam in order to escape their social standing Social Implications of Islam Slavery stipulation on how Muslim non Muslim slaves are treated Muslim slaves were generally treated better another reason why many converted to Islam Art and Music Muhammad saw music as a wasteful and frivolous use of the time that could be devoted to study prayer However music is very important to Persian culture so they saw this as a bias from the original Islam culture and not as a rule of Islam Example Protestant music uses organs and pianos Why not electric guitars Because the style came out of Western Europe and traveled with the religion Religion effects social change Role of Women Islamic women could now divorce and receive back their dowry Patriarchy supports the Burkha This is different than the status of women in our societies We see the veil as a prison because we like to express our individualism by the way we dress Islamic women see the veil as a shield They believe that their bodies are not for others to look at but for their husband s eyes only Debate Western women Vs Islamic women Who is controlled in a male dominated society Both Islam as a Globalizing Force Empire builders element of promoting universal culture single language single currency infrastructure All of these break down tribalism Pioneered Trade Routes pushing into Indian Ocean and other place bringing technology language and religion with them The Hajj Acts as a community building form of community Spread Arabic Language and Culture this is very connected to empire building Like Alexander and the spread of Greek culture Example the language Swahili It is a mixture of East African traditions and Arabic

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KSU HIST 11050 - The Impact of Islam

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