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BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SYLLABUS LA 245 Intro to Law Fall 2015 Instructor Kathleen Luz kluzbu gmail com or kluzcote bu edu 617 943 6800 cell Do not call after 9 00p m Office hours Wednesdays 11 12 Required Materials Beatty and Samuelson Legal Environment 5th Ed Text You may buy either the hard copy of the Text or access to an e book Both are available at the BU Bookstore or through this website http www cengagebrain com Your textbook must be the 5th edition The law changes so the content of the 4th edition may be incorrect if you buy that edition you will be learning the wrong thing Also if you buy a different Beatty Samuelson text you will be learning the wrong thing or perhaps reading more than you need to Be careful to buy only the book identified above Please be advised that our exams are open book open notes but no computers are allowed Thus if you buy the e book you will be responsible for printing the book if you want access to it for the exams It is not required that you have a hard copy but you may want one for the exams You also must buy access to Top Hat an electronic response polling system See Quizzes below for details Recommended Materials For many topics I may post on SMGtools an outline of the topic or chapter These are intended to help you prepare for class so that in class we can get more in depth on any given topic You are responsible for knowing the material in the assigned chapter each day in class not just at exam time The outlines can help prepare you for class as well as help you review for exams I highly recommend reviewing both before class along with reading Deliverables This class requires the following Participation Quizzes 3 exams Day in Court Paper assignment will be posted on SMGtools Current Events Online paper assignment will be posted on SMGtools Due dates will vary assignment dates will be posted on SMGtools Top Hat and Quizzes We will often begin or end class with a short quiz The total of these quizzes will be worth 10 of your grade To access these quizzes you must register for access to Top Hat www tophat com an electronic response software The cost is 24 semester You can register by visiting our course website https app tophat com e 167752 1 Once you register you will be able to submit your answers to quizzes via Top Hat All of your answers on the quizzes will automatically be submitted to my gradebook If you are absent or late on the day of a quiz without prior approval from me and I have already turned off the quiz you will receive a zero For all quizzes you can respond with your cell phone or any web accessible device laptop tablet etc Note on Course Design and Quizzes The quizzes are designed to provide continual practice in exam questions incentivize you to prepare on a daily basis and help me gauge understanding of the material I will not advise you in advance of class that a quiz is coming This course is designed to allow for a flipped classroom as much as possible Instead of the professor delivering information in class and the students practicing it at home you must prepare for every class by reading and reviewing outlines so we can practice what you learn in class together In other words this class does not work if you are not prepared for every class This class is not designed so that you can cram before an exam By giving quizzes I am giving you credit for being prepared Therefore preparation and attendance are essential Grading Your grade will be determined as follows 15 Course Participation and Attendance 10 Quizzes 15 Current Events Paper 20 Exam 1 and Court Paper 20 Exam 2 20 Final Exam Academic Misconduct Generally By taking this class you agree to comply with SMG s Academic Conduct Code I will not hesitate to submit any concerns to the Academic Conduct Committee Academic Misconduct with regard to written assignments By turning in any written out of class assignment you are representing that you completed all of the substantive work on this assignment You may have a friend or the Writing Center proofread for typos and spelling errors but no one but you should add any substance to the paper In addition you may not plagiarize meaning steal material or ideas from other people You cannot copy portions of articles or websites for example If you rely on a source other than your own brain you must properly quote the source cite to that source or both Academic Misconduct with regard to exams It is a violation of our Academic Conduct Code to violate any of the rules of my exams You may not look at a classmate s exam You may not ask other students about what was on the exam You may not use your phone computer or any other electronic device 2 Exam Rules You cannot bring anything into the examination room with you except what is needed for the exam This means no cell phones smart phones ipods laptops bags backpacks etc Anything you bring into the room must be stored against the outer wall of the room and cannot be stored at your table or desk I shall not be responsible for lost or stolen property Under no circumstances may you bring a cell phone smart phone or ipod to your desk or table All technology must be off during exams If I hear or see a device your exam will be taken away and scored with a zero without exceptions You are not permitted to leave the examination room for any reason including using the restrooms o To the extent you have a biological emergency students may only leave the room one at a time and must leave their cell phones with me Classroom Conduct Phones Your phones should not be seen or heard during class unless I ask you to use it If your phone rings during class I reserve the right to lower your grade If I catch you texting or otherwise using your phone for anything other than class related work I reserve the right to lower your grade Computers The use of technology in class is a privilege not a right You may use a laptop to take notes or follow along with our online text We may use computers to do in class research or projects If I catch you surfing the net reading the news shopping online or on Facebook I may lower your grade and or ban you from bringing a computer to class I reserve the right to revoke your right to bring a computer to class regardless of your preferring it for taking notes or using an online textbook I will not give a warning so do not use your computer for non class related activities Tardiness Do not be late If you are late often I reserve the right to lower …

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