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MAN 4301 Test Review Chapter 1 Human Resources across Organizational Life cycle Entrepreneur stage Communal stage o Goal survival and growth not money o HR contribution need to hire maintain employees emphasis on creating plans for measuring performance and deciding pay o Critical to find someone who has the ability to do the job o Research shows that if companies at this stage have good HR practices their success rate is 3x higher o Goal Develop identity and increase employee commitment o HR contribution Need to develop clear communication channels emphasis on building strong loyalty among employees o Has different focuses job description analysis increase of satisfaction o Can actively access individual performance and can reward employees accordingly Formalization stage o Goal goal to develop efficient production provide training and reduce reduncies o HR contribution need to create formalized practices for hiring training and compensating emphasis on continual improvement of employee skills and motivation o Employees who work the same job for a period of time develop shortcuts and efficiencies Elaboration stage o Goal adaption and renewal of product or service o HR contribution Need to alter practices to meet changing demands emphasis on new ways of organization work tasks o HR is critical o Have to make sure to hire those with skills and layoff those who do not 1 Success at various stages of the Life cycle Success satisfying the stakeholder s needs Company s goal is to meet customer needs Needs from different stakeholders can contradict each other Chain of Success Secret to solve all conflict make the pie bigger Investing in your employees happier and develop more skills 1 2 Expertise become more creative and innovate services 3 Make customers happy 4 Then come back and do business for you and have more resources to invest in employees and repeat 2 Success from Stakeholder View Stakeholder individuals or groups of people who can affect or who are affected by an organization o Primary stakeholders Employees Customers Good human resource management improves customer satisfaction largely through customers interactions with employees This can be seen in the following ways o Employees tend to treat customers the same way managers treat them o Employees who feel that the organization values them and treats them with respect reproduce these good attitudes and behaviors in their interactions with customers o Employees who feel that management doesn t care about them are less likely to be positive and helpful to customers Owners Shareholders Organizations where employees who have better skills are well paid and have a sense of job security have higher individual performance which translates into desirable improvements like growth in sales Society Organizations affect society through their environmental practices as well as their support for community charities United Way activities organizations OHSA can strongly influence Political and social forces Organizations that are better community citizens are generally more profitable than organizations that ignore environmental and social concerns 3 Human Resource Roles HR professionals are not secondary and directly contribute to company profit How can you directly contribute o If you work with employees and you deal with short term related things most likely a employee advocate o Work with employees but deal with company policies function expert o Long term activities and try and plan capital resources for a new factory strategic partner o If you work as a training development professional and try to plan workshops for example and dealing with people and focusing on existing employees human capital developer 4 Current Trends HR Workforce diversity particularly older workers women and members of minorities Job growth is expected resource management service sector that effectively manage people working in various foreign countries in the fields of health care education and human human resource departments to create processes Globalization will require Chapter 3 1 Employment Laws Title 7 VII is the most important This act was passed by Congress and signed into law as a result of the civil rights movement of the 1960s which sought to end racial discrimination The part of the act that specifically applies to equal opportunity in employment Title 7 protections 2 4 5th rule o protection to all people based on five specific traits race color national origin religion and sex gender o These groups are referred to as protected classes Title 7 exceptions o o Excludes companies with fewer than 15 employees Religious institutions are exempted from the law is violated when the percentage of people selected from one group is less than 80 percent of the percentage of people selected from the best represented group a potential victim of adverse impact discrimination would simply need to show that the company selects people from the protected class at this lower rate The burden of proof would then falls to the company to demonstrate the validity of its selection procedures Example o 100 applicants 80 males and 20 females o Results 8 males and 1 female selected o What is the impact ratio 8 80 10 1 20 5 3 Sexual Harassment Guideless Unwel come sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when 1 submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual s employment 2 submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual 3 such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual s work performance or creating an intimidating hostile or offensive working environment 4 Civil Rights Act of 1991 Made amendment to Title VII The most important was the shifting of the burden of proof to companies accused of adverse impact discrimination The Act of 1991 allowed for punitive damages to be awarded along with actual damages This substantially increased the award a victim could receive jury trials were allowed for employment discrimination cases Another change was to make Race norming illegal It was used in employment testing each person receives a score that showed how he or she did in comparison with others of the same race or gender The effect is to make some people rank higher than they otherwise would since scores in their group are

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FSU MAN 4301 - Human Resources across Organizational Life cycle

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