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Mini Study Guide for week of 10 26 Law Power of State Tolerance Religion Transforms Society Role of Trade Gender Roles Who has the authority to appoint bishops within the Holy Roman Empire Art Science Philosophies World Religions How does religion transform society 1 Art Philosophies Science 2 Law 3 Power of State 4 Role of Trade 5 Gender Roles 6 Tolerance Investiture Controversy Pope Gregory s view Emperor Henry IV s view Result Classical Patterns of Imitation Imitator Societies Japan 1 2 Southeast Asia 3 Russia 4 Europe What makes these societies imitator societies Why is wanting Thai food to be authentic a move towards Tribalism What are the 3 things Japan Southeast Asia and Russia took from other societies 1 Writing 2 Religion 3 Political Heritage Be able to explain these topics based on the culture Where would you put imitation in reference to globalism and tribalism Why is Western Europe different from other imitator societies Challenges that Western Europe faced 1 Restore Political Order 2 Food Shortages 3 Establish Cultural Unity What did Western Europe take from Rome Writing Religion How did Western Europe imitate other cultures 1 Classical Learning 2 Technology 3 Architecture Why is imitation necessary The Impact of Islam Complexities of Studying Islam Terrorism Western Bias Variation Five Pillars of Islam 1 Allah Muhammad his prophet 2 Daily Prayer 3 Ramadan 4 Give Alms 5 Hajj Practices of Hajj Mount Ararat Rami Al Jamarat Additional Doctrines Jihad Sharia Compare to Darwin s theory of Evolution Daily Prayer Allah and Muhammad 5 Pillars of Islam Hajj Ramadan Give Alms Mount Ararat Rami Al Jamarat

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KSU HIST 11050 - Mini Study Guide

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