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Trait Theory More about the what than the how or why of personality Focus on o Description o Common Elements o Individual Variation o Measurement of personality of personality in common elements Emotional cognitive and behavioral tendencies that are relatively consistent across situations and constitute underlying personality dimensions on which individuals vary Two Aspects to Traits Allport patterns of behavior that occur frequently tendencies Observed Inferred underlying dimensions or disposition from which the behavior emenates determines behavior o Trait Traits Trait Theory Most trait theory is derived from statistical attempts to find core dimensions or traits Personality tests use self reported behavior patterns to infer underlying dimensions Are there universal core dimension o Several approaches Cattell s 16 PF Eysenck s 3 Factors types Extroversion Introversion Neuroticism Emotional Stability Psychoticism Impulse Control Five Factor Model Five Factor Model 5 superordinate factors o Big Five Empirically derived not theoretically Not always found but mostly May not translate to other language and cultural concepts o O penness to Experience o C onscientiousness Creative open minded vs simple narrow minded Organized responsible vs careless frivolous o E xtroversion o A greeableness Talkative energetic vs quiet reserved Kind affectionate vs cold cruel o N euroticism Stable calm vs anxious irritable Issues in Trait Theory Consistency o Across situations More consistent across similar situations Less consistency over longer periods o Over time o Power Tendencies not easily overcome but specific behaviors can be enacted with effort Situationalism Interactionism o Behavior governed by situational factors rather than internal traits o Skinner response tendencies shaped by situational reinforcers o But too much individual variation in response to same reinforcers o Relationship between person s traits and situations they choose to be in Tendencies activated by situation Situations influenced by tendencies o Bandura s reciprocal determinism A person s behavior is both influenced by and influences an individual s personal factors and the environment Genetics and Inheritance o To what extent is personality heritable o Heritability the proportion of population variance in a particular trait that is due to inherited genetic influence Brain Function and Personality Phrenology Phineas Gage Clark and Watson s attempt to organize data into broad categories of biologically based temperament Independent dimensions each of which has different but overlapping has putative biological roots 3 Dimensions o Negative Positive Emotionality o Disinhibition vs Constraint Trait Theory and Psychopathology Maladaptive levels of predisposing traits neuroticism Trait rigidity or inflexibility o One definition of psychopathology o Flexibility associated with health self actualization etc

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