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Personality Disorders Refer to long standing pervasive and inflexible patterns of behavior that Cause significant impairments in self and interpersonal functioning Are stable over time and across situations Involve one or more pathological personality trait Depart from cultural expectation Personality Disorders Paranoid Personality Schizoid Personality Schizotypal Personality Borderline Personality Histrionic Personality Narcissistic Personality Anti Social Personality Avoidant Personality Obsessive Compulsive Personality Dependent Personality Borderline Personality Disorder Involves instability in relationships mood and self image with impulsive behavior o Intense unstable relationships Splitting Extreme fluctuations from love to hate o Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment Difficulty tolerating being alone Impulsively jumping into relationships o Frequent anger hostility paranoid thinking o Unstable sense of self Difficulty processing handling negative emotions Impulsive attention seeking behavior Self destructive Therapies Therapists treating PD patients are concerned about co morbid disorders Try to increase flexibility Role of acceptance distress tolerance Move from disorder to style while broadening the array of response options

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