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HY 101 Lecture Notes Dr James Mixson I Athenian Empire A Delian League a political alliance b money donated in order to provide for the enormous navy in the event that the Persian army came back B Peloponnesian Wars 431 404 BCE a Almost like a civil war of this time C Golden Age of Athens 475 400 BCE a Democracy b History c Architecture d Philosophy e Drama a Origins b Herodotus c Thucydides D History E Herodotus a Greeks in general and Athenians began to question their history by a series of research and investigation b They tie this information to meaning and something their people could take and live by c This man tells a story of the Persian wars including information about the great clash of the Greeks and the Persians d Tried to understand and analyze the cause of this war and presented evidence to the origin of war e Themes 1 clash of civilizations Persians are barbarians destined to clash with Greeks a Persians are seen as barbarian dark skinned people being called a Persian is an insult becomes an adjective commonly used to describe someone as less than the Greek people 2 also that you can stand up to bullies and win over them f Thucydides Athenian general who lost a series of battles in the Athenian wars was fired and exiled 1 Writes a history of Peloponnesian Wars 2 Fragmentary work 3 Remarkable work war like no other for its bitterness brutality there was nothing noble at the end of the war 4 What is war about 5 upholds Athens as an example of civilization F Buildings of the acropolis were wiped out by the Persians a The Parthenon 447 438 BCE 1 Expression of devotion to Athena 2 Ancient sculptures depicted a Greek gods taming the wild and crazy monsters 3 Included ancient ordinary citizens to show how everyone was included and involved in everything 4 Funding stole money to build the Parthenon b Sculpture of Athena 1 Posture eyes are dead set etc a Focal point of religion c Relate to modern day 1 Bryant Denny Stadium a Putting money towards something that we value as a community b Football is almost a religion in the south II Philosophy Love of Wisdom A Origins Athenian Contexts B Once you know what you know How should you act How should you live C Deliberately sat out of politics Idiota a Person with no mind understanding etc b Man who refuses politics is no man at all c Moral obligation to use knowledge in politics III Socrates A Model citizen B Bad habit asked questions of people in power and influence with why C Questioned everything about life followed every answer D Plato Dialogues Apology a His own work Republic b Put to death by his peers c Ideals for community Philosophers should be Kings and Kings should be Philosophers E What is the best form of government for community a Republic F Aristotle a Logic nature ethics politics b Observed the world exactly as it was in front of him c How do you know what you know 1 Ideals vs learned knowledge d Observations of nature origins of the world e Ethics what is the best way for us to interact between one another 1 Balance a Frugality and magnanimous Athenian Drama City Festival of Dionysus Tragedy Aeschylus Euripidies Sophocles Comedy Aristophanes I Greek History adapted and changed filtered thru the Romans later a Hellas b Hellenes c Hellenic II Classical Greece Hellas c 600 400 BCE III Hellenistic Era c 400 50 BCE Peloponnesian War cycle of wars between Athens and Sparta and their allies bitter set of wars that ended in the Athenian defeat and surrender to Sparta in 404 Devastated families and society in general Macedon largely rural wide open spaces ruled by kings not cities 2 most important political leaders o Philip of Macedon Took the most advantage Developed an army that was paid Professional army paid by the royal treasury Lover of Horses Philip in Greek meaning invaded Greek heartland and defeated that territory dream was to defeat the Persians assassinated in court entry c 336 and left the crown to his son Alexander the Great o Alexander the Great Leader of cavalry that soon became king Capable general highly educated charismatic Complete package as a leader who inherited his attractive father s empire 334 323 BCE Asia Minor Persia Egypt Key battles Issus 333 Gaugamela 331 o Alexander defeated the heart of the Persian Army became o After Alexander conquered the area of Persia what did he a legend therefore do with it Persian strategy Had an openness to the people he conquered He dressed like a Persian Married into Persian royalty learned about the Persian culture and embraced the culture of the Persians When he conquered kingdoms he would find a new city and name it after himself or insist that there was a cult that was erected for his own glory Built onto the political and cultural foundations of the Persian region Benign Ruler o After Alexander dies problems arise o Divide up the empire into three distinct kingdoms o Hellenistic Kingdoms Generals Antigonus Seleucus Ptolemy Dynasties Antigonid Macedon Seleucid Persia Ptolemaic Egypt o Politics religion art culture science etc is all different now Hellenistic World o Cities and Kingdoms Life in the city was important Vast world Dominated by vast kingdoms compared to in the past was dominated by city states o Economy and Society Elites 1 2 of the population Overwhelming agricultural world Diverse world ties together culturally and economically Builds off of Persian Empire o Koin common ordinary Greek language used everyday Common cultural register Fundamental cultural change o Art o Hellenistic Religion Classical Hellenic poems of Athena center of a public cult of worship Pergamum city of Pergamum in Asia Minor There is an alter that burned animals as offerings to the God of Zeus Winged Victory Aphrodite of all depict human emotion and the way our bodies are shaped Polytheism Universalism Individualism Syncretism Ruler cults mystery cults Traditions of the cult are kept within the cult and are not to be talked about Benefits of being a part of these cults is that you should have eternal life Alexander Asclepius Serapis Physicians king with a snake comes from a cult in the Greek age People begged for healing Asclepius was the God that people would most of the time beg for healing Animals were pulled into this praise of healing king with a snake Serapis Mystery cult God they created in Egypt o Hellenistic Culture Philosophy Stoics Epicureans Someone who is a cynic Literally means dogs Ancient world term for hippies skeptical of everything in politics or

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