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Mini Study Guide for the Week of 11 30 The Mongol Interlude Effects of Mongol Rule Increased Travel Silk Road safer and faster to travel Increased Exchange commodities ideas religions Opened China to the rest of the world o Effects of opening China to modern Europe China chooses localization after expeditions reveal that they are the most advanced society Mediterranean zone Compass Printing Press Gunpowder Movement of Peoples new production sites closer to the markets Diffusion of Technology Black Death spread quickly due to the increased globalization Consequences of Mongol Decline Increased barriers reduction in travel a less global economy Where have Transitions Occurred by 1450 The World in 1450 o Decline of Arab Rule o Decline of Byzantine Rule Constantinople falls 1453 Sultan Mehmed II o Rise of the Ottoman Turks Consequences of the Fall of Constantinople Islamic World o Continues assault on Central Europe o Strategic commercial and supply center o Increased status of Ottoman Turks Western Europe o Last Christian commercial center for Western Europe o Cut off from East by Ottomans o Begin exploration find a way around the Turks Russia o Imitates Constantinople becomes 3rd Rome o Defend Christianity from the Ottomans Western Europe Exploration Motivations o Secondary factors Kings and Competition Spread Christianity o Primary Factor New sources of trade revenue Gold from Mexico Direct route to India and China No Arabic Middlemen Experimental Exploitation o Sugar on the Canary Islands Borrow money from Venetian Banks Obtain slaves from West Africa Comparing the Mongols and the Europeans Mongols Devastation then Prosperity Europeans Less devastation then Poverty

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KSU HIST 11050 - The Mongol Interlude

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