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Final Exam Transformation of the Mediterranean world I Germanic Migrations and the fall of Rome 03 12 2015 Germanic people were farmers no cities Neighbors of the Romans and this caused them to have to fight for themselves Germanics had a sort of kingship Danube Rhine rivers worked as huge barriers Deeply forested area that the Germanic tribes lived in Germans had intermarriages the Romans felt that this was barbaric Gothic Tribe o Visigoths The first of the tribes that enter into the Roman world When they encounter the Huns they had a choice Run Surrender or fight These people get completely enslaved by the Huns When some of these people run they ask the Roman empire permission to enter and serve the Romans 60 000 people begin crossing the Danube into the Roman Empire and are set up in a huge refugee camps 375 Visigoths want to farm and want land from the Romans Visigoths eventually up rise against the awful conditions Battle of Adrianople Emperor killed Visigoths apologize for the battle and that they just want land to settle on Become a nomadic tribe on the move within the Roman empire The visigoths want to settle in N Africa This movement looks as if the Visigoths are going to try to take Rome Visigoths arrive in Rome 410 AD 3 days the Visigoths pillage the city of Rome Emperor left town and left his sister there she is taken hostage by the Visigoths Visigoths did not take any churches if you were within a church you were safe o Visigoths were Christians Speaking an Asiatic language First evidence in China attacked China on horseback Hun Begin moving from Mongolia westward across Asia with giant herds or horses Nomadic people Right above the Black sea they encounter the Visigoths The Huns continue to push forward and many other tribes begin pushing into the Roman Empire Huns cross the river as well into the Roman Empire Attilla 434 453 Leader of the Huns Charismatic leader o Huns After his death the entire Huns disappear o Romulus Augustulus 475 476 Not a powerful Roman Emperor o The Collapse of Rome is the loss of power in the west Creation of German kingdoms overlying Roman Culture o Justinian 527 565 Rules 100 years after everything goes down Wife named Theodora Daughter of a bear trainer had to change the Roman laws to marry her Worked well as a team Opens many law schools and legal books His plan is to get the Empire back together Wants to attack and get the land back North Africa Italy Spain He wanted to build and renew San Vitale Ravenna o Church build by Justinian o In the church was picture of Justinian and the clergy and the bishop senators and soldiers o He s a Christian emperor o On other side of church was Theodora represented with jewels presenting chalice has ladies in waiting and senators Constantinople was the place to be Main entertainment still going on was chariot races Hippodrome races o Blue green red and white o 6th century blues or greens o People were fans of either blue or o Cities were divided over this o Could hold 100 150 thousands o Games frequently resulted in riots and green fighting o One day things got out of hand Fight and Justinian decided to publically execute the charioteers The crowds together started shouting Down with Justinian Blues and Greens joined forces against him Crowds start destroying things For 9 days there is riot and in the city burning Crisis crowds chanting Nike victory Justinian wants to escape but Theodora thought it was better to stay and if they die it will be in the purple Justinian apologizes and says they will redo the race and it works and they are happy Then Justinian orders soldiers to surround the hippodrome and attack 30 000 were killed He then rebuilds the church that was destroyed Hagia Sophia in Constantinople Largest dome ever built until renaissance Still standing today Now it is a museum Hagia Sophia Images of Justinian handing Jesus the dome and Constantine handing over the city When sun is shining the dome looks like its floating or hanging from the heavens When Justiana dies people realize the bankery is empty and they have no money Things begin to crumble other officials take over and the territorial gains disappear and his dreams of putting the empire back together is dead o Heraclius and the Persian Invasions Persians take opportunity to launch highly destructive GO into Asia minor and destroy cities flee to raids around 600 constanople Jerusalem in 614 is taken and Persians take holy relics City of Damascus gets taken over by the Persians 619 Alexandria taken over Heraclius organizes army in Constantinople and battles back the Persians He is successful Demands return of relic of cross Coins of cross and Heraclius saying he got the cross back Also son on the coin he s going to take over They are Zoroastrians o Arabic people live in tribal units in the desert emergence of Arab people as a new political power o Persians had also been launching raids into Arabian Peninsula III The Islamic World Geography and Pre Islamic Culture o Massive deserts very little rainfall dependent on oasis and springs and wells o Mountainous region along red sea cities are here o Mecca and Medina o Tribes are not united each tribe has leader o Tribal identity very important like large extended families o Some tribes more prominent than others o Division of Arabs in cities and the ones that live in the desert o City Arabs merchants and traders Trades on carabans across desert Don t know much about pre Islam due to lack of writing Poetry important memorizing poetry Pre islam religion polytheistic and religious center was in Mecca Gods Shrine with statues around it with various tribal Most powerful family ran Mecca Muhammad was apart of this family in 570 Merchant educated marries wealthy widow Decides to retire and lead more religious life in the mountains to pray and meditate Muhammad and the birth of Islam The Caliphs and the spread of Islam The Islamic World Mecca Medina Muhammad 570 632 o Educated as a merchant o Around the year 610 he decides to retire from being a merchant and retreats to the hills above Mecca o In the year 610 he begins to have these visions o Visited by the Angel Gabriel and Gabriel begins to tell him the message from Allah The God Islam was polytheistic but now Muhammad is now talking to the ONE God of the Islamic faith Muslims Followers of Islam At the center of this religion is a holy text called the Qu ran The visions of recitations of what occurred between Muhammad and the Angel Gabriel from

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