MC 2035 exam 3 study guide 11 26 2014 Eli Pariser TED talk filter bubble o an algorithm guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user as a result users become separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints isolating them in their own cultural or ideological bubbles coined by Eli Pariser o Websites and search engines automatically filtering your feeds and search results upon previous search choices and page views Eli Pariser s plea o we need transparency and we need control we need it to connect us together and to new ideas according to Eli Pariser o there is no standard google Facebook twitter anymore the internet will soon show us what it think we want to see instead of what we need to see throws off balance of information diet between instant wants and aspirational goals challenges algorithmic gatekeepers to encode journalistic ethics similar to human gatekeepers during the rise of newspapers According to Vaidhyanathan Generational Myth not all young people are tech savvy making power point presentations is passed off as media literacy when these students do not know the basics of coding or programming believes people do not belong in generations today s youth is too complex to lump into a generation People get a lot out of generational identity Technologies do not emerge in a vacuum but arise out of market forces According to Jen Schradie Class Struggle the digital divide is caused by the socioeconomic gap between rural and urban areas expanding broadband access and importing technology to rural areas is not enough to remedy the situation 11 4 Engagement Creating Conversation Reading no reading Social Media Conversations Digital Branding Implementation Branded Social Media Content and Conversations Conversation Merriam Webster involves an oral exchange of sentiments observations opinions or ideas He shows a clip from the minority report film Steven Spielberg s vision of the future Shows that every time you looked at an ad it said you look like you could use a Guinness John It was reading his retinas We are getting close to being able to do this by reading your mobile device via Bluetooth Interactivity Conversation is a higher form of interactivity Non Interactive when a message is not related to previous messages Reactive when a message is related only to one previous message Interactive when a message is related to a number of previous messages and the other relationship between these messages Why is interactivity important o More depth without it it s shallow and not involved Interactivity associated with Acceptance and satisfaction Performance quality Motivation Fun Cognition and learning Openness frankness and sociability How do you encourage interactivity humor is a good way Poll How do you convince your publics to interact with your brand in social media A Let customers contribute o Howard Dean started this with his campaign Consumer Control is key What are brands afraid of o Brands don t want to hear anything negative there is a reason why there isn t an unlike button on Facebook Active Control Cognitive Involvement You are more involved when decisions are more important to you With social media you must create some cognitive involvement by incentivizing people to be interactive Effective Social Media Layered Experiences Layer 1 Initial Engagement o Location Based o Narrowcast means specifically for that particular person o Conversational o Integrated o Relevant and Unexpected o Job is to make top layer worth most of everything must be good on its own so that people who don t interact with it it doesn t matter Layer 2 Immersive Branding o once they get inside o Deeply Interactive o On Demand Controllable o Personalized What do you want your social media to communicate Disney bought Star Wars from George Lucas People are asking is Disney going to screw it up The Star Wars Instagram is trying to convince you that Disney isn t going to screw it up They have lots of nostalgia on their posts MUST MAINTAIN LOYALTY Social Media Effects same way of thinking about Social Media Objectives The Hierarchy of Effects Other Objectives Examples o Apple has no social media presence o Why They don t need it it can only hurt them o Apple is famous for controlling their message o Biggest most successful tweet from a couple of years ago It was the most retweeted branded tweet in history Raised 1 8 million for charity Objective building loyalty Understanding Your Audience What does your audience currently do in social media What motivates this behavior Where is your brand in social media Where are there active communities around your brand Community About FIND VS CREATE The buzz Listening Video clip about choosing seats on a plane via the social media Social media seating find your seat mate KLM Where are they conversation taking place Who is talking Are the speakers influential How are they referencing my brand and in what context Hero 6 video clip Disney branded animated film based on marble Creative Interplay comic o We are the target audience o How do you make an animated film appealing to college students Contains adult references Shovel ware taking it and trying to form fit it into social media Need to decide if your current traditional creative is sufficient for social media POEM Media Tools term to think about media as paid owned and earned media Where do conversation fit in the POEM model Earned Have to earn it gotta play to play Interactivity fits in the earned model Consider your audience s mindset people use media for different reasons For print I want to read For radio I want to listen and be informed or entertained For TV I want to be amused or distracted For outdoor im just trying to get some place Search Mindset I m in control and usually on a self directed mission o They are in an extreme lean forward mode o Lean forward in control in a self directed mission o Give them what they re looking for Social Mindset I m in control but I don t mind browsing o They are in an lean forward mode but casual o To consumer on Facebook and Instagram you must scroll or click so you re not as focused there s an opportunity there to message to people and catch their attention The Web is a deeply personal experience Because of this whole close to screen thing Mobile is even more personal Social Media Voice Interact don t preach Be conversational speak like a real person Be authentic The Tao of Social Media The TAO is the way in order to
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