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Edict of Milan 1a Who wrote it Constantine 1b When was it written 4th century 1c What type of document is it Letter 1d What is the main storyline Letter signed by the Roman emperors Constantine and Licinius that proclaimed religious toleration in the Roman Empire This letter was issued shortly after the end of the persecution of Christians by the emperor Diocletian 2a Who is the intended audience Romans 2b Why was it written To establish religious acceptance in Rome 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source Rome didn t tolerate Christians before this document and Constantine and Licinius were ready for a religious change 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Yes because it is a historical record 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document They were fed up with violence that religion was causing so they decided to do something about it 3c How does it relate to its context The Fate of Rome 1a Who wrote it Jerome 1b When was it written 5th century 1c What type of document is it Letter 1d What is the main storyline War has started in Rome 2a Who is the intended audience Agenuchia a highborn lady of Gaul 2b Why was it written 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 3c How does it relate to its context Germania 1a Who wrote it Tacitus 1b When was it written 1st century 1c What type of document is it Excerpt 1d What is the main storyline Tacitus is talking bad about Germany 2a Who is the intended audience 2b Why was it written To show the flaws of Germany s physical characteristics government influence on women punishments and food 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Not entirely because the author is Roman 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 3c How does it relate to its context The Nika Riot 1a Who wrote it Procopius 1b When was it written 1c What type of document is it 1d What is the main storyline 2a Who is the intended audience 2b Why was it written 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document 3c How does it relate to its context Qur an Selections 1a Who wrote it Ahmed Ali 1b When was it written 7th century AD 1c What type of document is it Historical biblical text 1d What is the main storyline Talks about how God Allah I One They do not believe in the trinity not do they believe that God is the father because they don t believe that God had a son They believe that Jesus was an apostle of God 2a Who is the intended audience Muslims 2b Why was it written To show that God is one 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source The Messiah who is Jesus son of Mary was only an apostle of God 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate No because it is someone s personal beliefs and it has been translated 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document They believed in in God Jesus and the Holy Spirit but not consider them as the Trinity or as one 3c How does it relate to its context Islam was polytheistic before this but now Muhammad is now considering the idea of one God of Islamic faith The Building of Saint Sophia 1a Who wrote it Procopius 1b When was it written 6th century AD 1c What type of document is it Historical text 1d What is the main storyline Procopius is describing the beauty of the church Saint Sophia and how Justinian of the Byzantine Empire had the church constructed 2a Who is the intended audience The Byzantine civilization 2b Why was it written To show the splendor of Saint Sophia and how it was greater than every building in the city 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source It exults in indescribable beauty 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Partially because it is the author s opinion of the church 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document The author thought very highly of the this building 3c How does it relate to its context The Siege of Paris 1a Who wrote it Abbo 1b When was it written 9th century AD 1c What type of document is it Historical text 1d What is the main storyline Seigfried is negotiating with the Bishop showing that Paris is very religious Vikings start attacking the churches because these people don t believe in fighting and they are full of undefended treasures that the Vikings want Vikings have not been Christianized convert them Vikings try to siege Paris but fail 2a Who is the intended audience Western Europeans 2b Why was it written To show that the Franks and Charles the Fat were not going to let the Vikings siege France 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source Viking says Have compassion on yourself and your flock in order for you to escape death 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Not necessarily because it is an eye witness account 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document They are documenting that the Vikings are a threat but the Christians are outnumbering them and holding their ground 3c How does it relate to its context Life of Charlemagne 1a Who wrote it Einhard 1b When was it written 9th century AD 1c What type of document is it Biography 1d What is the main storyline Describing different things about Charlemagne s life physical appearance was different from the Carolingians family origins and battles fought he didn t learn to how to read and write until later in life 2a Who is the intended audience Anyone who wants to know about Charlemagne 2b Why was it written To show the positive description of his life 2c Are there any assumptions made in the source Written for a positive legacy so that people know that he was incredibly important 3a Is this source document reliable and or accurate Partially because it can bias and it is the opinion of someone 3b What can I learn about the society person who created this source document Admired Charlemagne 3c How does it relate to its context Feudal Documents 1a Who wrote it Galbert and Fulbert 1b When was it written 12th century AD 1c What type of document is it Legal documents 1d What is the main storyline It is about an oath Step by step is told 1st the man says he is willing and will be faithful Then he takes …

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LSU HIST 1001 - The Fate of Rome

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