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Running head ISSUES AND TRENDS INTERVIEW PAPER 1 Issues and Trends Interview Paper Name Children s Literature RDG 350 ISSUES AND TRENDS INTERVIEW PAPER 2 Issues and Trends Interview Paper Interviewer Tina Okpych Interviewee Nancy Falzone Immaculata School Librarian 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Do you find books written by celebrity authors to be more popular than those written by non celebrities Yes as with anything else people are drawn to what they have already heard about In regards to the growing number of children s books being made into movies do you find that children go to these books first Yes because a curiosity is developed through the media Have you seen an increase in the number of adults reading books that have been written for children or teens Somewhat first with the Harry Potter series and now with The Hunger Games Do you find that the series books available for children provide enough variety unless No I feel that the students will stay with one genre continually encouraged to try something new Does your library have a good selection of books for emergent readers and ELL students written at a lower level but has a higher age interest level Emergent readers yes ELL no Our library lacks books that are Do you feel bi lingual books are a good resource for ELL students and parents No I feel total submersion is important Do you feel it is important for children to be exposed to all different genres of children s literature Is one genre better than the other Yes the children need to know the characteristics and qualities of each genre Each child will lean toward the genre of his or her choice so it is an individual selection 8 How do you view the media s influence on literature children impact I do the children The media s influence is definitely persuasive as to which books select Again the familiarity with the subject has a huge believe that peers also have a major impact on what books read ISSUES AND TRENDS INTERVIEW PAPER 3 N Falzone personal communication October 19 2012 References

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UOPX RDG 350 - Issues and Trends Interview Paper

Course: Rdg 350-
Pages: 3
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