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Date October 15 2014 CCR SPED 3670 003 Class American Sign Language I Instructor Sandra Lewinski Worked on unit 4 in SN book today Midterm is one on one unit 1 4 SN and corresponding units on syllabus for LASL Played Monkey in the Middle and asked these questions Ask if teacher Ask if learning sign language Ask where the sign language class is Ask where live Ask what kind of housing can be or question or yes or no question Ask how person comes to class Color is important How do you come to class In chapter 19 in the LASL book on page 264 we did the activity with Pat and Alex talking about skiing next page grammar note activity about weekend activity about seasons ended with the vocab don t focus too much on this Look at seasons may be on test Next Monday is test three and Next Wednesday is Midterm

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UT SPED 3670 - Midterm

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