BA 342 Final Exam Study Guide 1 I Diversity Chapter 19 11 4 2014 A Diversity creating an environment where we recruit develop and leverage the best talent to achieve business goals and profitability B Diversity and Inclusion Business Survey 1 Video Touching Stranger Photography i Within a few minutes strangers began to feel comfortable and open up to one another 2 Story Wally Triplett and Penn State Civil Rights and Penn State Case i PSU football in 1941 first African American player ii 1945 Wally joins team as a tailback away game at Miami opposing team says that PSU can t bring black players Unanimous vote among Penn State that stated either all players player or none Penn State doesn t play iii 1948 Cotton Bowl SMU said the same thing Penn State sticks to all players play or none at all SMU agrees to play That s how We are Penn State originated C Introduction Managing Diversity 1 Columbia Study 1500 top companies 92 06 i Increase in diversity averaged 42 million value increase 2 Credit Suisse Research Institute 2360 Global Companies 2012 i Diversity resulting in increased returns and better growth 3 Decision Making Homo vs heterogeneous groups 4 Video Why Boys Fail Richard Whitmire i Diversity societal issues around gender ii Universities favor men graduates 62 women iii iv Why The education system is harder for boys in earlier stages ISSUES a Need for higher skills among all individuals b Socialization issues in college 60 40 c Specialized skills engineering sciences d Society s expectations e Loss of opportunity f Higher crime D Understanding Diversity 1 Triad 1 Personal i Personal ii Social iii Emotional 2 Triad 2 Corporate i National ii Organizational iii Global 3 Two Focal Points for Diversity i Traditional age a Characteristics gender national origin disability status ethnicity ii Contemporary a Organizational dimensions location function union affiliation division department management status seniority field b External dimensions educational background personal habits parental status work experience marital status appearance religion income geographic c Internal Dimensions gender race ethnicity age abilities d Innermost personality E Diversity Starts with History 1 Discrimination 3 eras i 1500 1863 Slavery a 1793 Cotton Gin by Eli Whitney b side effects explosion in slavery to pick cotton from 1000s to millions of slaves ii 1863 1964 Painful slow change a Plessy vs Ferguson 1896 segregation legal in public places as long as separate but equal b Brown vs Board of Education 1964 segregation illegal Created integration especially in education iii 1964 Today Civil Rights Diversity Inclusion 2 Video History of United States Separate but Unequal i Linda Carroll Brown had to walk to a farther school because of segregation Supreme court case ii 14th Amendment Separate but equal was unconstitutional iii iv Conclusion made by Chief Justice Earl Warren On May 17 1954 U S Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren delivered the unanimous ruling in the landmark civil rights case Brown v Board of Education of Topeka Kansas State sanctioned segregation of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore unconstitutional This historic decision marked the end of the separate but equal precedent set by the Supreme Court nearly 60 years earlier in Plessy v Ferguson and served as a catalyst for the expanding civil rights movement during the decade of the 1950s v Question Discrimination is defined as Overt subtle denial of opportunity F Issues in Employment Discrimination 1 Race and Ethnicity i EEOC uses seven categories to collect statistics Hispanic Latino white black African American native Hawaiian pacific islander Asian American Indian Alaska Native two or more races 2 Gender Women i Professional Managerial Positions a 2013 only 4 of Fortune 500 firms are headed by women b Hedge funds run by women outperform those run by men ii Equal Pay and Promotion BA 342 Final Exam Study Guide 3 iii a Difference between men women pay is 18 to 23 cents per dollar Sexual Harassment unwelcome sexual advances requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual s employment unreasonably interferes with an individual s work performance or creates an intimidating hostile or offensive work environment a Quid pro quo harassment something is given or received in exchange for something else b Hostile work environment harassment an employee perceives a hostile or offensive environment by virtue of uninvited sexually oriented behaviors or materials being present in the workplace 3 Retaliation i Includes firing demotion harassment intimidation threats and untrue negative evaluations denial of promotions negative references increased surveillance or any other kind of treatment that would make a person hesitant to file a claim II Diversity Chapter 19 continued 11 11 2014 A Powerful Women in Business 1 Ginni Rometty IBM 2 Mary Barra General Motors 3 Marilyn Hewson Lockheed Martin 4 Indra Nooyi Pepsi 5 Ellen Kullman Dupont B Federal Laws Prohibiting Job Discrimination 1 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 i Prohibits discrimination in hiring promotion discharge pay fringe benefits and other aspects of employment on the basis of race color religion sex or national origin ii Covers private employers state and local governments and educational institutions that have 15 or more employees iii iv Figure 19 1 Pregnancy Discrimination Act requires employers to treat pregnancy and pregnancy related medical conditions the same way as any other medical disability with respect to all terms and conditions of employment 2 Equal Pay Act of 1963 i Prohibits employers from discriminating between men and women on the basis of sex in the payment of wages where they perform substantially equal work under similar working conditions in the same establishment 3 Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967 i Protects workers aged 40 years and older from arbitrary age discrimination in hiring discharge pay promotions fringe benefits and other aspects of employment ii Designed to promote employment based on ability rather than age 4 Title I American with Disabilities Act 1990 i Prohibits discrimination based on physical or mental disabilities in private places of employment and public accommodation in addition to requiring transportation systems and communication systems to
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