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ECON 1101 Section 702 MACROECONOMIC PRINCIPLES SPRING 2014 Clock hours Online Sixteen weeks Monday January 20 to Sunday May 4 Faculty Professor Colleen Scott Electronic Mail colleen scott temple edu Instructor is not available by phone or in person meeting This course is asynchronous We do not meet online at a specific day and time I assume that many of you work and have a full course load and that you enrolled in an online class so that you can work at your own pace Further there are no recorded lectures I am however available via email any time you wish to discuss course material or assignments Please contact me any time for assistance Course Goals Objectives 1101 or 1901 Economics 1101 contributes to the BBA program learning goal that business students understand critical business concepts More specifically it addresses the following course goals An understanding of the 1 interaction of households business government and foreign sector in the market economy policy 2 determination of national income employment and prices 3 origins and role of money and financial institutions in a national economy 4 influence of government on macroeconomic activity through monetary and fiscal 5 impact of the world economy on relevant domestic variables A Note for Fox Students All third year Fox students must take BA 3103 Integrative Business Applications BA 3103 applies what you learn in your Core courses which include Econ 1101 1901 using the business decision making simulation program CAPSIM The course is designed to help you to 1 enhance your analytical and oral communication skills 2 link economic ideas with your personal and professional life and 3 learn on your own and from one another ECON 1101 Syllabus SP 2014 C Scott 1 of 5 Required Course Materials 1 Krugman Paul and Robin Wells Macroeconomics 3rd ed NY Worth Publishers 2013 2 Subscription to Aplia See separate registration instructions with course key on Bb 3 Blackboard site https tuportal3 temple edu TUPortal is Temple University s online web based learning platform It provides faculty and students with a way to share information and ideas and to communicate with each other outside of the classroom experience The Blackboard platform will be used for the posting of course materials throughout the semester Students should establish connectivity immediately in order to have access to various materials essential to maximum success in this course Be sure to check the course Blackboard site periodically for updates 4 A working Temple email account Make sure that you have not reached the storage capacity Recommended Course Material 5 Internet access to student companion website www worthpublishers com krugmanwells which is free and a wonderful resource The following resources are available Self test quizzes graphing exercises and web videos and links Student Assessment and Course Requirements Student Assessment is based on four criteria 1 Weekly Aplia Online Quizzes 2 Discussion Board Forum 3 Country Analysis Research Paper and 5 Brief end of the semester cumulative assessment taken online Grading Criteria Assignments Aplia Online Quizzes Discussion Board Forum Country Analysis Paper End of Semester Assessment Total Weight 30 30 30 10 100 Aplia Learning Solution 30 Economics can only be mastered by practice For this reason students will use the Aplia learning solution that will increase their effort and engagement To pass the course students must submit weekly quizzes via Aplia These quizzes reinforce the textbook and lecture material Students may register and use the website for about three weeks at the beginning of the semester without paying Please do not make a payment until you are sure you will stay in the course You will need to pay the full amount before the end of the three week grace period to continue using the site ECON 1101 Syllabus SP 2014 C Scott 2 of 5 Students may attempt the graded quizzes three times before the due date has passed The highest score is recorded There is no time restriction on the quizzes You may save answers at any time before the due date and log back in to continue Once the due date has passed the grade will be recorded and it will not be possible to change your answers or complete the assignment Complete quizzes early to avoid any emergencies preventing your completion by the due date There are no extensions under any circumstances Quizzes are subject to change so do not work ahead You must check the Aplia com outline frequently for quiz weekly deadlines You will receive emails from Aplia once you sign up alerting you of deadlines Plan to spend to 3 hours or so a week on Aplia More information about Aplia will be provided the first week of the semester Assignments are due by 11 00PM at the end of the week on Sunday The Aplia quizzes have a firm due date No extensions are permitted At the end of the semester I will drop the 2 of the lowest grades For more information see Student FAQ http aplia com support student faq jsp Discussion Board Forum 30 We will meet within Blackboard fully online As a student in this course it is expected that you will complete assignments on time and actively participate in the online discussions Online class participation is a very important part of the learning process as well as an important component of course grade 30 Since each student brings a unique background and set of experiences to this class a key objective of the online discussion is learning from each other Please remember this is not a chat room Students will be evaluated on both the quantity and quality of their online discussion posts responses See below Quantity Students are expected to participate in all weekly discussion boards Original discussion board posting and two responses to classmates not to your own Three per week The original post due on Wednesday is worth 7 points Each response post is due on Sunday and worth 4 peach each for a total of 15 points There are no extensions Quality Examples of content of discussion board posts include Providing additional information to the discussion Elaborating on previous comments from others Presenting explanations of concepts or methods to help fellow students Presenting reasons for against a topic in a persuasive fashion Sharing your own personal and business experiences that relate to the topic Providing a URL and explanation for an area you researched on the Internet ECON 1101 Syllabus SP 2014 C Scott 3 of 5 I will absolutely positively not reward points

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