Comm 320 Exam 1 Notes Maryann Valentine 3 When studying textbook if not mentioned in class not on exam Introduction to Advertising Advertising is just a part of promotion which is just a part of Marketing To be successful marketers have to find the perfect combination of producte attribute places to sell it and price levels Advertising a paid ass mediated attempt to persuade in order to be classified as advertising 1 Communication must be delivered through media 2 Communication must be attempting to persuade A third criterion is met most of the time and is required only in traditional media magazines 3 Paid for by client sponsor in tradition media such as Tv newspapers If product in a show that s not advertisement That is product placement because the producer got money from the brand to show that brand If the show stopped for a commercial from that brand that s advertisement If Paris Hilton mentions a product that s not advertising Its promotional Example dove commercial attempted to persuade and advertising for Dove It doesn t promote the product directly BUT it promotes the company Therefore the commercial WAS considered advertising Advertising as a Communication Process A model Production interaction of advertiser imaged audience agency media and other social institutions that results in production of advertising content Reception the context of ad reception and audience s understanding of an ad result in a meaningful interpretation of the ad Accommodation and negotiation the ways in which consumers interpret ads individual by individual Challenges for advertising message but some people will take your message differently Example cheerios commercial with black white dad and mom It was meant to persuade people to buy cheerios but people were racist about the commercial and took it differently Bias because you want everyone to get the same International Advertising strategy Global Product advertised worldwide using the same message strategy with minor changes works with products used in similar ways Example the ad message strategy is the same in a watch commercial different people Chinese American because of location BUT they are both famous people and they are wearing the watch THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GLOBAL AND INTERNATIONAL IN international u created diff messages to accommodate to location of people and in global it s the same message all around the world with a different ad International Assumes ad messages rarely work equally well worldwide product is advertised using different message designed to match the mindset and culture of the consumers in that country National product is advertised within national borders Regional product is advertising in one area of the US Local product advertising in one trading area city state Mixed Co operative ads paid jointly by manufacturer and seller Distinctions in advertising Types of ads got milk Commercials no brand just tells you to drink milk then Yogo Valley is an ad that says 1 Drink milk 2 Buy my milk Primary demand stimulation generates demand for entire product category Selective demand stimulation generates demand for brands within a product category Clicker question showed Organic brand with 1 ad of a boy 1 ad with a girl shows primary demand because it shows for an entire product category organic materials Types of Advertising By response type Example Nike JUST DO IT tries to promote the brand Nike sneaker THE ULTIMATE QUICK FIX tries to promote the actual product Direct response advertising Encourages immediate action by consumer Delayed response advertising brand image development Some ads try to change the image of the corporation BP gas advertisements are about earth carbon footprints biofuel global warming Corporate advertising most is delayed response promotes the firm not a product or brand Advertising campaign an integrated series of ads that communicate a central theme or idea they have visual and or content similarity Most good campaigns have similarity visually and content visually Advertisements specific messages designed to persuade an audience Advertising as a business process communicates with the value of the brand Product Promotion Price Distribution Ads want to make people feel think and act differently towards the brand value of the brand lives in the mind of the consumer Brand value is tangible and intangible Intangible value resides in the meanings of the brand CAN ONLY figure out the intangibles if you do research with the consumers Intangible value is very important in driving consumers purchases Advertising has other specific functions 1 Informs you about the brand 2 Persuades often through emotions 3 Creates an image meaning They are trying to tell consumers what COKE is about they created meaing for the brand The coke commercial shows how you should share a coke 4 Builds brand loyalty What s brand loyalty Consumers commitment to purchase the same brand repeatedly in spite of competitors efforts to sway them How would you find out if someone is loyal to a brand People often inconvenience themselves 9by walking extra blocks paying more Loyalty makes you expand the brand Ex Starbucks selling coffee then one day they said lets sell pre made coffee in grocery stores therefore the customers would go by that Advertising builds loyalty Brand extensions a brand is a name term logo symbol or any other feature that identifies one sellers good as different from another sellers Brand extensions occur when brands try new product categories Example QUEST BARS Quest makes protein health bars but now they are selling chips It really depends on how close it is to the product before In general as a rule extensions work better when the category is closer to the brand before Ex if coke starts making TVs I m sure less people would be impressed compared to if they made a new type of drink Advertising as a business process The role of advertising in the marketing process Advertising in brand management Advertising in market segmentation differentiation and positioning Advertising in revenue and profit generation Segmentation The process of separating consumers into groups based on certain criteria to later target them appropriately you need to seek consumers that are more likely who will buy the product Ex If you make sports cars you are going to try to sell to people who have a license You try to target a group of consumers that stands out compared to other consumers in the market you do this because these people are
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