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What You Need to Know Be able to describe the characteristics of Baroque art Examine how Baroque style became the style of persuasion and absolutism Examine what scientific advancements were achieved during the 17th century Identify the achievements of Caravaggio Artemisia Gentileschi and Gian Lorenzo Bernini Terms Tenebrism Baroque irregular pearl the use of light against a dark background Additional Information Discussion Questions Baroque What are some characteristics of Baroque art Baroque art is a type of style that invokes an emotional response on its viewer It is an exuberant and expressive style filled with sensual richness tension and dynamism Why is Baroque art referred to as the style of persuasion Baroque art is referred to as the style of persuasion because the Catholic church used this type of art during the Counter Reformation Why is Baroque art referred to as the style of absolutism Baroque art is referred to as the style of absolutism because it was used to inspire awe within the viewer Define sculpture during the Baroque period Sculpture in the Baroque period was very dynamic and turbulent Most sculptures were lifesize but implied larger than life qualities Sculptures were deeply cut in order to give greater definition to shadows depth and drama Which region became the center of Baroque art in the 17th century Rome became the center of Baroque art in the 17th century What was a dominant art form during the Baroque period Ceiling frescoes were a dominant art form during the Baroque period When did the church stop the Protestant Reformation The church stopped the Protestant Reformation in the 17th century What signified the advancement of science during the 17th century A heliocentric over the geocentric of thinking signified an advancement of science during the 17th century Artists and Their Art Caravaggio Who became the central figure of Baroque art Caravaggio became the central figure for Baroque art What was Caravaggio famous for Caravaggio was famous for his use of tenebrism and the use of live models in his naturalistic compositions What does the use of light signify in Caravaggio s Calling of St Matthew The use of light signifies its religious significance Artemisia Gentileschi Who was the first woman to be admitted into the Accademia del Disegno Academy of Design Artemisia Gentileschi was the first woman to be admitted into the Accademia del Disegno Academy of Design What other achievements and hardships was Gentileschi known for Gentileschi faced many hardships as an artist because she was a woman Gentileschi is best known for her compositions containing Biblical heroines In her Allergy of painting she achieves something no male artist has ever done as she places herself as the allegorical female of Painting Bernini What kind of artist was Bernini Bernini was an architect and a sculptor Who was Bernini s rival who later committed suicide Bernini s rival who later committed suicide was Borromini Compare and contrast Bernini s David against Michelangelo s and Donatello s Bernini s David invokes a sort of tension dynamism and fierceness as David is displayed to be right in the midsts of attacking Goliath His sculpture activates the space around us and implies that Goliath is right in front of David However Michelangelo s and Donatello s David displays David after he has slain Goliath in a more relaxed manner The mood and dynamism of their David is far more subdued compared to Bernini s David Another important aspect is how Bernini s sculpture was made to be viewed in the front while Michelangelo s and Donatello s David were meant to be viewed in any direction Describe visual elements Bernini s Ecstasy of St Teresa Bernini s Ecstasy of St Teresa displays characteristics that are common of Baroque art The theatrical setting is wrapped in tension and dynamism as we can see the drapery of St Teresa full of turbulence

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