CONCEPT LIST FOR REVIEW EXAM 3 Note this is not an exhaustive list of items on the exam the purpose of this list is to stimulate your thinking and to clarify your notes Stratification ranking system for groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and life chances in society Types of Stratification caste slavery Caste system stratification system based on heredity with little movement allowed across strata Slavery ascribed or achieved people are legally the property of someone else Futile rank is ascribed at birth little or no contact with other classes Class rank is theortically an achieved status can be born into can change Global 1 Raw 2 Manufacturing 3 Service Social mobility movement of people or groups from one class to another Structural mobility changes in society that allows large numbers of people to move up or down the class ladder Theories of Stratification Functionalist class stratification is based on occupation Conflict inequality is a source of conflict people who are on top want to stay on top Weber class is more than ownership of production Socioeconomic Status prestige honor respect and lifestyle associated with different positions or groups in society Class rank is theortically an achieved status can be born into can change Income wages and salary that we earn from work investment Wealth total value of your money and all your other assets minus your debt Continuum of Classes Near poor Working Poor Working Poor employed people who consistently earn wages but do not make enough to survive Near Poor individuals or families whose earnings are between 100 and 125 of the poverty line Culture of Poverty belief that poor people resigned to their position in society develop a unique value structure to deal with their lack of success Structure of Poverty differences among the poor are an issue of structural ex Absence of a job is the cause of poverty Absolute vs relative poverty Absolute Poverty inability to afford the minimal requirements for sustaining a reasonable healthy existence Relative Poverty individuals economic position compared with the living standards of the majority in the society Globalization process through which people s lives all around the world become economically politically environmentally and culturally interconnected Global economy Modernization World Systems theory Modernization Theory global inequality is the result of technological and cultural differences in society Dependency Theory global inequality is the result of a historical pattern of rich countries exploiting poor countries Race category of people labeled and treated as similar because of allegedly common biological traits such as skin color texture of hair and shape of eyes Ethnicity sense of community derived from the cultural heritage shared by a category of people with common ancestry Minority not about numbers about power four basic characteristics 1 not numeric minority 2 Membership is often based on visible ascribed trait 3 Shared identity on the basis of that trait 4 Disadvantage of unequal treatment on the basis of that trait Racism belief that humans are subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as superior or inferior Stereotyping overgeneralized belief that a certain trait behavior or attitude characterizes all members of some identifiable group Prejudice rigidly held unfavorable attitudes beliefs and feelings about members of a different group based on social characteristic such as race ethnicity or gender Discrimination unfair treatment of people based on some social characteristic such as race ethnicity or sex Merton s Typology of Racism Allport s Continuum of discrimination 1 Verbal rejection 2 Avoidance 3 Active discrimination 4 Physical attacks 5 extermination Institutional Discrimination biases that are inherent in the operation in society s institution discrimination that is built into the institution Genocide systematic inihilation of one group of people by another group of people Assimilation vs Pluralism Assimilation process by which minorities adopt or adapt to dominant culture Pluralism state in which racial and ethnic minorities are distinct but have social equality Segregation physical and social separation of people to the disadvantage of minorities Symbolic Racism a subtle indirect form of racism expressed through opposition to programs that seek to improve the status of racial minorities Invisible Knapsack of privilege McIntosh Sex vs Gender Gender stratification unequal distribution of wealth power and privelage between men and women Beauty myth a woman s worth depends on her physical appearance often to standards of beauty that are unattainable Occupational sex segregation Wage gap Economy Division of Labor specialization of different people or groups in different tasks characteristic of most bureaucracies Organizations large complex network of positions created for a specific purpose and characterized by a hierarchical division of labor Bureaucracy large hierarchical organization governed by formal rules and regulations and having clearly specified work tasks Weber class is more than ownership of production socioeconomic status class status and political power not just economic component people can have inconsistency make a lot of money a lot of political power division of class is still categorical but easier to move Tragedy of Commons situation in which people acting individually and in their own self interest use up commonly available but limited resources creating disaster for the entire community Free Riding tendency for people to refrain from contributing to the common good when a resource is available without any personal cost or contribution Characteristics of Bureaucracy Division of Labor Hierarchy of authority ranking of people or tasks in a bureaucracy from those at the top where there is a great deal of power and authority to those at the bottom where there is very little power and authority Oligarchy system of authority in which many people are ruled by a privileged few Career Ladder Meritocracy Nepotism Iron Cage Bureaucratic ritualism Ritzer s McDonaldization process by which the characteristics and principles of the fast food restaurant come to dominate other areas of social life Birth Rate Death Rate Fertility vs fecundity Infant mortality rate Natural growth rate Migration movement of populations from one geographic area to another Age sex pyramid
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