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I Earth Materials Minerals a Geologic definition Minerals i Naturally occurring ii Homogeneous iii Solid iv v Definable chemical composition vi Internal structure in a lattice Inorganic substance II Crystals a A solid formed from a single mineral b Nicolas Steno i Angle between crystal faces constant ii Regular geometric form c Crystal structure d Bonding i Polymorphs 1 Same chemical composition 2 Different internal structure e Symmetry III Mineral Formation a Solidification of melt b Precipitation c Solid state diffusion d Bio mineralization e Fumerolic activity Formation Process f i Seed i Atoms move through a solid 1 Extremely small crystal ii Template 1 Controlled by electrical charges 2 Atoms attach form lattice IV Crystal Growth Patterns a Euhedral growth uninhibited perfect crystal produced b Anhedra obstacles to growth occur in one or more directions i Typical in igneous rocks as they cool V Mineral Destruction a Melting i Atoms thermal vibrations reach a point where chemical bonds can be broken ii Different minerals different melting temperatures iii Melting temperature is pressure dependent b Dissolving i Mineral subjected to solvent ii Most do not readily dissolve c Other chemical reactions i Contact with reactive materials VI Mineral Identification a Chemical composition determines physical properties 1 Distinctive traits that allow identification i Color ii Streak iii Luster iv Hardness v Specific gravity vi Crystal habit vii Special properties viii Cleavage ix Fracture VII Mineral Classes a Silicates i SiO4 4 tetrahedron b Oxides c Sulfites d Sulfates e Halides i Metals to oxygen anions ii Hematite magnetite i Metals to sulfide anion ii Pyrite i Metals to sulfate anion i Halogen anion Cl or F f Carbonates i CO3 ii Cation Ca or Mg 2 anion g Native metals i Atoms of single metal 1 Cu Au or Ag a Most common on Earth b 95 of continental crust c Silica Tetrahedron d i Bonding is crucial Independent Tetrahedra i Olivine garnet e Single chains i Pyroxenes f Double chains i Amphibole g Sheets i Micas h Framework i All O atoms are shared 1 Quartz and feldspar VIII Silicates Major Rock Forming Minerals

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USF GLY 2010 - Minerals

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