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HIST 1001 Lecture 1 Age of Empires Rise of Persia Peoples and Languages Sumerian Egyptian Semitic Akkadian Hyksos Hebrew Arabic Indo European Hittites New Peoples in Mesopotamia Akkadians 2500 BC Sargon 2371 2316 Hammurabi 1792 1750 Code of Hammurabi Code of Hammurabi intended to unify different cultures and people First Age of Empires 1500 1200 BC Hittite Asia Minor Egyptian New Kingdom Palestine Egypt First Assyrian Assyria Babylon Southern Mesopotamia Hittites were the first to use iron weapons because iron is a more abundant resource in Asia Minor than in Mesopotamia They were the first to train horses They also invented the compound bow Attack methods typical of Hittites were drive by arrow shootings and then once the front line was damaged they started running people over in their chariots Babylon becomes a great city in southern Mesopotamia Era of Small Nations 1200 900 BC Hebrews Phoenicians Carthage Alphabet Aramaic Arameans Phoenicians lived in modern day Lebanon and most known for being sea traders Phoenicians had a common desire to make money and sail boats all over the Mediterranean Living on the coast they had a lot of access to cedar trees and everyone wanted cedar because they made good palaces So the Phoenicians would harvest the cedars and deliver them across the Mediterranean They also exported purple dye Purple die was even more so a luxury item than cedar and became a sign of royalty The most important thing the Phoenicians gave us was the alphabet It is the basis for every alphabet in existence today Phoenician businessmen begin recorded sales and debts which is a change from only priests being literate While Phoenicians traded over the sea the Arameans traded over land The Arameans language was called Aramaic and was roughly based off of the Phoenician alphabet Because the Arameans dominated trade over the east Aramaic became a popular language over a lot of the near east It became the language of business Also is the most likely language of Jesus Christ Second Age of Empires Second Assyrian Empire 900 612 BC Nineveh Babylonian Childean Empire 612 539 BC Nebuchadnezzar Persian Empire 539 332 BC Persian Government Iranian People Cyrus the Great reign 550 530 BC Satrapies Cyrus conquers Babylon The Satrapies agree that their people can live the lives they choose as long as they don t cause trouble and pay their taxes Cyrus also built a fairly extensive road system and postal service Zoroastrianism the religion of the elite Persian people the religion wasn t pushed on Persian Religion anyone Zoroaster Zarathushtra Ahura Mazdah vs Ahriman Monotheistic

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LSU HIST 1001 - Age of Empires: Rise of Persia

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