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History and Prehistory 3 10 PM Wednesday September 3 2014 Book pgs Xx xxv May be biased Why does it exist What specific purpose did it serve when it was done Who is its author What motives prompted the creator to produce this material in this form History what we can say about the human past Understand language History is like social sciences when dealing with typical or average people societies or behavior History is like humanities when it stresses individual people Primary Source Checklist o o o o o o o o What type of document or object is this evidence Why does the document or object exist What motives prompted the author to create the material in this form Who created this work Who or what is left out women children minorities members of the majority In addition to the main subject what other kinds of information can be obtained How do the subjects of the document or object relate to what we know about broader society What was the meaning of the document or object in its own time What is its meaning for the audience What does the document or object tell us about change or stability Ask questions Past v history Past what happened basic facts chronology History what we make of the past how it is interpreted and understood what is and isn t important conversation about the past Greek word meaning an inquiry or investigation Understanding that comes from knowing about the past Translator detective Historion o o o o o o o Primary and secondary sources o Lecture 8 27 14 History what we make of the past how it is interpreted and understood what is and isn t important conversation about the past Greek word meaning an inquiry or investigation Understanding that comes from knowing about the past Translator detective o o o o Primary and secondary sources o o How to find out about the past Primary source raw material directly from time period letters art written document written by time period for the time period not written for historians Captive to sources Secondary source talks about source but not source itself history textbooks written about time period for present lectures Biased by historians Search for meaning 1 What is this Who wrote it For what 2 Content 3 Meaning o o o o o o o Periodization o Dividing time into periods o Periodize to make sense of facts of past o Ancient Classical Medieval o History v pre history o Pre history era of human past before invention of written language o Most history is pre history Paleolithic 600 000 8000 BCE o Pre history o Old stone Age o first distinguished from animals by better manipulating their environment o Create tools o Search for food existence o Gain control of fire less vulnerable o Hunter gatherers o Often nomadic o Identified in terms of clans o No private property Neolithic 8000 5000 BCE o o o o o o o Pre history New stone Age invention of farming revolutionary people can grow own food domesticate plants and animals Big manipulation of environment Not nomads settled because food source is proximate Mere survival is no longer an issue more complicated social systems o o o o o o o o o o civilis o o o o o Pre history New stone Age invention of farming revolutionary people can grow own food domesticate plants and animals Big manipulation of environment Not nomads settled because food source is proximate Mere survival is no longer an issue more complicated social systems First villages and towns Stable populations Beginnings of civilization Latin for citizen Benefits Obligations Civilization human organization people form themselves into communities sense of identity protections citizens expected to give back taxes drafts etc Earliest signs of civilization in Middle East

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LSU HIST 1001 - History and Prehistory

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