CHP 4 Social Health Social Health Ability to interact effectively with others and social environment and to develop satisfying personal relationships and fulfill social roles Supportive relationships buffer from stress and disease Social support Ways we provide info or assistance show affection comfort and how we confide in others Social contagion Process in which friends friends of friends acquaintances and others interacted with influence our behavior and health Healthy mutually beneficial relationships add joy to life and possible even years on lifespan Communication Key in developing and maintaining healthy relationships o Learn to listen Listening is active process to try to understand other person s feelings and motivations Better communication more likely to create good relationships built on honesty understanding and trust Info is easy to convey but emotions aren t Strong emotions can be conveyed by kisses or hugs but those aren t enough to communicate exact thoughts o Be agreeable but assertive Assertiveness Behavior that respects your rights and rights of other people even when you disagree Agreeableness Being helpful unselfish trusting considerate cooperative sympathetic warm and concerned for others Enjoy strong relationships less conflict happy marriages better job performance healthier eating habits less medical problems Not so easily influenced to be taken advantage of o Understand how men and women communicate differently Women Speak more in private Better listeners More likely to wait rather than interrupt Use more words related to emotion and idea words when writing Write email in same way they talk Look into women s eyes more than men s while talking Write blogs for self expression More likely to use social networking to compare selves to others and search for info Speak more often and longer Interrupt more Look in women s eyes more than a man s when talking Men Use more prepositions when writing Write briefer emails Write blogs for personal expectations or motives More likely to disagree and use profanity and sarcasm online More likely to use social networking to find friends o Nonverbal communication can be more powerful than words 90 of communication is nonverbal Culture has great influence over body language Relationships in Digital Age Humans are social beings Internet Social networking Self disclosure and privacy Forming Relationships Myself feelings and beliefs Other aspects of Relationships Friendships o Self disclosure How much we reveal of ourselves to another person o Previous personal moments play out in public by choice or chance o Sexual disclosure Women s pics increase sexual expectations of male students but lessen men s interests in serious relationships Amygdala Brain region involved in processing emotional reactions o Bigger in those with large complex social networks o Way we perceive ourselves affects way we relate and reach out to others o Self esteem is genuine concern and respect for ourselves so we remain true to our OWN o Basic source of happiness connection to larger world source of solace in hard times o 40 of limited social time to 5 most important people we know who are 3 of our whole social world Loneliness different than being alone o Longer work hours busy schedules frequent moves high divorce rates are causes o More likely to cause distress when chronic rather than episodic o Keys to overcoming are developing resources to fulfill one s potential and learning to reach out to others Shyness and social anxiety o 40 people describe selves as shy or socially anxious o Estimated 10 15 of children born with predisposition to shyness o Others get shy because they don t learn proper social responses or they experience rejection at home o People fearfully shy when withdrawing and avoiding contact with others and experience high degree of anxiety and fear in social situations o Social phobia People typically fear and avoid social situations Building Healthy Community Altruism Helping or giving to others o Enhances self esteem relieves stress protects mental well being Volunteerism helps those who give as well as receive On Campus Meeting people Dating isn t what it used to be o Online dating o Liars online tend to use fewer first person pronouns more negative words and fewer negative emotion words and write shorter profile descriptions o Hooking up Sexual encounter between two who aren t seriously dating and may or may not know each other well Belief that hooking up is harmless and best without emotional commitment Seen as fun Think it will enhance status in peer group Allows exert of control over sexuality Reflection of their sexual freedom Alcohol often a factor Consequences Pregnancy STD Sexual assaults Guilt and regret o What are the rules o Flirting online is bolder or racier than in person o First step to making responsible sexual decisions is respecting you and your partner s sexual values Sense of belonging can have greatest impact on college students health 94 college students maintain social networking profile on FB As many as 8 can be considered addicted to internet Facebook World s most popular website created by college student for college students in 2004 FB depending on its use has students agree others on FB are happier than they are have fewer friends on campus and have more difficulties adjusting to college life and show greater positive social adjustment Appeal comes from o Exploring user s identities o Make new friends o Develop long standing relationships o Explore sexuality o Voice opinions o Be creative Science of Love Intimacy State of closeness between two people characterized by desire and ability to share one s innermost thoughts and feelings with the other o Empathy becomes more important Is love a part of intimacy Is intimacy a part of love Can you be intimate with someone without being in love with them Love is essential for physical and mental well being o Those who lack love are at high risk for illnesses even heart disease and cancer Mature love o Passionate love Intense feelings of elation sexual desire and ecstasy o Companionship love Friendly affection and deep attachment o Mature love is complex combination of sexual excitement tenderness commitment and overriding passion setting apart all other love relationships in one s life Attraction o Most of us end up with partners a lot like ourselves o Four predictors most important reasons for attraction Warmth kindness Desirable personality Specifics of
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