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What is the difference between race and ethnicity Provide some examples that illustrate the difference When I consider the differences between race and ethnicity I can see how some people would have a problem distinguishing the difference between the two They can be seen as similar but I think this is largely due to stereotypes or just mere consequences of people understanding that the two ARE different A person s race would be referring to the distinguishing factors in them that claim them to a particular section of the population The two terms are intertwined and from my point of view they are always terms that just helped people to segregate themselves from everyone else There are many races Asian Native American all of these are terms meant to show us and the public to whom we belong as well as separate us from the other groups of people A person s ethnicity would be pertaining to their original country of origin What country a person is from or the country that pertains to their heritage would be their ethnic background I personally have no problem acknowledging our history It is good to know where we came from and about our ancestors I like that I like the fact that a person can be proud of their race but what I don t like is that these terms are synonymous with hate filled terms We judge people based on their race and their ethnicity and then they become tools to use against that person Race generally refers to genetic features and codes of a person s existence and is most often a separated by skin color and a few facial features Ethnicity refers to a social group that a person belongs to which can be factored by color nationality religious beliefs In some cases financial standing can even be a factor ethnicity With all of that said individuals can be of a particular race caucasian for example and be separated by nationality In other words defining someone as caucasian does not determine if that person is of US European or even Russian descent Ethnic groups can be very complex and diverse They can be defined by multiple factors such as race or religion and in many cases may have multiple variations Many people declare themselves to be American as an ethnic group However American s can consist of blacks whites hispanics etc An American can also be of Christian Jewish or even Muslim belief Americans can be rich or poor well educated or not Even persons who identify their ethnicity by a religious faith can still vary in race financial standing or nationality Some people can even classify themselves into many ethnicitys as well The bottom line is that there are many combinations and even though the line often seems thin between race and ethnicity it can actually be very wide

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UOPX CJA 344 - Race and Ethnicity

Course: Cja 344-
Pages: 1
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