Visgoths Franks Lombards Angles and Saxons Vandals Illiterate 3 Tiered Cosmology The Viking Age Who were the Vikings o Asgard o Midgard o Hel and Nifleim Famous gods demigods o Odin o Thor o Valkyries Famous Vikings Viking Invasions Why did the Vikings invade o Eric the Red Outcast kicked out of Norway and Iceland o Lief Erikson Founded Vinland before Columbus o Money gold decorations o They attacked suddenly o They attacked monasteries which was unthinkable in Christianized Europe How were they successful o Adaptation used technologies borrowed from the societies they encountered o Naval Technology New longboats helped them move quickly and enabled them to move up rivers o Metallurgy Rivaled and exceeded Europe s o Paganism Monasteries could not protect the people form the Vikings o Weak European States Charlemagne How did Europe respond o Annual Tribute o Fortresses built at mouth of rivers for protection o Grant Land for Settlement this civilizes the Vikings because they become nobles o Christianity helped them give up on many aspects of Viking culture 2 ways that the Vikings converted the Christianity o Conversion abroad absorb culture and become European Kings o Conversion at home back in Viking homeland Why give up their old beliefs Political legitimacy And to go from a chief to a king o Easier to trade and accomplish diplomatic missions Effects of Christianity on Viking Culture o Transforms Viking culture they pick up Latin and agriculture o Political Influence o Education Vikings assimilate to European culture They re able to write down and preserve their old religion Effects on European States o France o England Undergoing expansion Charlemagne cannot rule protect the large empire Feudalism Empire Feudalism o Heptarchy o Stronger central control o Alfred of Wessex First to defeat a Viking invasion Effects of Viking Age Fortress Europe strong military Christianization of Scandinavia Norman conquest in Europe The Crusades What set the stage before the crusade The spread of Islam Why didn t Christians react as soon as Jerusalem fell o Worried about construction o Some of Europe isn t Christian yet Europe under siege Vikings Muslims Magyars Why did the Crusades occur Fortress Europe nobody left to fight except each other Pope gives them a unifying enemy Increase in Piety Investiture Controversy Pope is calling the shots militarily Reconquista get the Muslims out of Spain o Muslims in Europe seen as an affront to Christianity o 1492 Liberation of Iberian Peninsula and Spanish Inquisition Condolences purchase salvation What Triggered the Crusades Church of Holy Sepulcher site where Jesus was crucified destroyed by Al Hakim Battle of Manzikert Seljuk Turks Turkish army take over Anatolian Peninsula Emperer Alexios I Asks Bishop of Rome for help needs mercenaries Council of Clermont Pope Urban II promotes the crusade to o Powerful figure from France paid for Crusades himself o Believed he was doing what God wanted him to do o Stop the fighting in Europe o Heal the Great Schism Important figure of the Crusade Raymond of Toulouse What Motivated Christian Fighters Adventure Debtors Forgiveness Prisoners Freedom Knight Honor First Crusade 4 armies from 4 kings o Godfrey of Bouillon o Raymond of Toulouse o Hugh of Vermandois o Jeffrey Bohemend Not the mercenaries that Alexios asked for Why was this crusade successful o Islamic prices fighting amongst themselves o Seljuk Turks throw open the doors to their kingdoms o Jerusalem is difficult to invade Take off shoes and march around walls like Jericho Breech walls with siege towers Slaughter Arabs Jews and Byzantines Now they are not welcome anywhere because of their mindless bloodshed This will make the other crusades more difficult
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