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Cold War Culture The Atom is your Friend After ww2 ends there is a speculation of the great things that nuclear power will do for the world such as the atomic car and they look at the idea of atomic agriculture the idea that if you put down nuclear energy in the ground then the products will be better and there was a possible idea of creating your own personal atomic sun for ballparks so that games would not be rained out flaws within these ideas radioactive food people would blow up inside the cars there was a big hope that the risk of war so high that humans would find other ways of resolving their own problems humanity may finally kick the bad habit of violence Operation Crossroads July 1946 Bikini Atoll Bikini Islands This idea that were going to be two nuclear tests Test Able and Test Baker and that the media were allowed to be there to allow the world to see what was going on Able dropped from a plane in the sky Baker detonated in the ocean looked at the ships afterwards Cultural affects design of the bikini swimsuits internet theory that Spongebob is the result of the bikini tests The Lucky Dragon hundred miles outside danger zones radioactive mist and dust affected Japanese sailors on ship they were quarantined this goes to show that the explosion of the bombs could not contain the radiation Godzilla and Monster Movies Fear of effects of radiation 1950s Similar stories also follow the same plot creation of some sort of huge creature Man has deeply disturbed nature Fear of what all the nuclear testing will do Despite the fear US and Soviet Union are still creating these nuclear weapons and trying to be the best Kitchen Debate 1959 Cultural debates and things would seem less tense The US and SU decided to send exhibition to each other s country and the idea was to introduce each country of their culture and technological achievements US exhibits model home fridge TVs great technological advancements isn t American capitalism great V P Nixon is challenged by Khrushchev he says that US can t build anything that lasts because Nixon says that everyone could upgrade their advancements big debate of pros and cons of each system Refreshing to see leaders fight over fridges dishwashers rather than Cold War fighting Watch the two trailers and compare and contrast and analyze how each country s history affect how the trailer was made How are each country portrayed Decolonization The Three Worlds then Countries 50s and 60s term Cold War First World were counties were ones that supported the US and had close ties with Second World was the SU and the countries that supported them The Communist Third World All have to do with political alignment during the Cold War India and the Pakistan Independence 1947 Muslim League focused on trying to protect the rights of the Muslim minority within India religious minorities difficult to move past religious tension so the decision was made by British and leadership within India to partition India into three different counties Pakistan West Pakistan East Pakistan August 1947 very peaceful but violence broke out soon after independence was declared retribution killings 1 million people partition created lots of problem because instead of balancing minority religious it actually movement of people go to their majority country Hindu Pakistan India Muslim How do we deal with divisions within society divisions within leadership Kashmir fighting over the land belonging to who Jawaharlal Nehru king of Hindu leader of India idea of the third way trying to maintain independent by not taking side with US or SU want to industrialize without help of the super powers very suspicious of the West and American offers for help India began to have a tense relationship with the US Jan 1948 Gandhi Assassinated Pakistan had strong relationship with the US we gave them lots of aid and lots of Americans see them more as an ally than India Indian and Pakistan s independence was successful Independence and the Pan African Movement Ghana first colonized country to gain independence in Africa in 1957 Kwame Nkrumah leader was educated in the US and Great Britain 50s and 60s was considered a pan African movement Negritude intellectual movement that argued that Africans were much more adept at creating social justice than Europeans idea came from Leopold Senghor they were going to merge the best of both worlds recognizing with impendence there is a need to maintain identity but also the difference between the US and the SU goal was to also bring in African ideas as well Pariah States countries that even though they weren t independent they were maintained by white minority rule Rhodesia South Africa old states were intended to keep the old way South Africa 1948 Apartheid Regime all political and economic power was help by the white minority power whites created legal restrictions based on race and tribe identity papers you can t mix between races and no integrated housing everyone lived in specific areas Bantus based on race can t leave Bantu without certain papers made travel difficult around the country makes it seem like apartheid is necessary for safety you cannot trust black African natives lots of resistance from the black African natives lots of protests but then turned to armed resistance African National Congress used the slogan Umkhonto we Sizwe spear of the nation it would take any measures necessary to fight the Apartheid Regime quickly made illegal by the government Nelson Mandela was arrested and sent to Robben Island spent 27 years there Lots of protests from other countries around the world to stop Apartheid US supported the Regime until the 80s there was a boycott movement Ending Apartheid 1994 F W de Klerk lead groundwork to democracy and give voting rights to Africans Nelson Mandela released and ANC was made an actual political party 1994 first election for Africans Mandela and ANC won Mandela opted for Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC to allow people to come forward and testify their experiences and charges about those who committed crime in the Apartheid Regime get admissions of guilt from both sides admit both sides were wrong for the first step of reconciliation often times people were granted amnesty huge success validated for the suffering that they endured Finding a Third Way Bandung Conference African and Asian countries help in Indonesia proposed was to create solidarity between the new nations emphasis on the third way they should look at

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KSU HIST 11050 - Cold War Culture

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