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Psych 1000 Ludlam Review Sheet 4 Topics Psychological Treatment and Social Psychology TOPIC 1 PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT 15 1 and 15 2 Treatment of Psychological Disorders Two major approaches 1 Psychotherapy 2 Biological Therapies a Psychopharmacology Types of Psychotherapy 1 Psychodynamic Therapy a Psychoanalysis b Free association c Goal d Insight e How do psychodynamic approaches more commonly used today differ from psychoanalysis as developed by Freud and colleagues 2 Humanistic Therapy a Client Centered or person centered or nondirective b Unconditional Positive Regard 1 Psych 1000 Ludlam 3 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy combines behavioral and cognitive methods c Reflective Listening d Motivational interviewing a Behavior Therapy i Behavior modification ii Token economies iii Social skills training iv Modeling v Exposure 1 Prolonged exposure 2 Exposure and response prevention 3 Systematic Desensitization b Cognitive Therapy i Cognitive Restructuring Beck ii Rational Emotive Therapy Ellis iii Interpersonal therapy iv Mindfulness based cognitive therapy 2 Psych 1000 Ludlam c Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT i Goal ii What is CBT like and how popular is it 4 Group Therapy What are the benefits of group therapy Psychotropic Medications from 15 1 and 15 2 combined a Benzodiazepines and neurotransmitter involved 2 Antidepressant medications see definitions as well as side effects on p 677 5 Family Therapy a Systems approach b Expressed emotion 1 Anti anxiety medications a MAOIs b Tricyclics c SSRIs d Controversies i Adolescents and suicide TADS study pp 699 703 ii Antidepressants found to be no more effective than a placebo for mild to 3 Psych 1000 Ludlam moderate depression Only more effective for severe depression pp 678 679 3 Antipsychotic medications a Neurotransmitter typically affected by anti psychotic medications b Side effects including tardive dyskinesia pp 686 687 4 Mood stabilizers not an antidepressant Lithium is the primary one Alternative Biological Treatments a 1 Trepanning 2 Psychosurgery a Prefrontal Lobotomies discontinued 3 Electroconvulsive Therapy 4 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS 5 Deep Brain Stimulation Effectiveness of Psychological Treatments 1 Importance of randomized clinical trials a Problems with self reporting and regression to mean 4 b Placebo effect c Evidence based treatments Therapies Not Supported by Scientific Evidence 1 Debriefing 2 DARE Types of Treatment Providers pp 687 688 1 Clinical psychologists Ph D or Psy D 2 Psychiatrists MD 3 Counseling psychologists Ph D 4 Psychiatric social workers MSW 5 Psychiatric nurses BSN 6 Paraprofessionals 15 2 Effective Treatments 1 Anxiety Disorders 2 OCD 3 Depression 4 Bipolar Disorder Psych 1000 Ludlam 5 Psych 1000 Ludlam 5 Schizophrenia 15 3 Treatment of Personality Disorders 1 Borderline Personality Disorder DBT 2 Antisocial Personality Disorder Know basics only related to Childhood and Adolescent Disorders 15 4 ADHD Methylphenidate and behavioral treatment ASD and Applied Behavioral Analysis Adolescents and depression see previous section on review sheet 6 Psych 1000 Ludlam TOPIC 2 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 12 1 Group Membership 1 Social Brain Hypothesis 2 Primates and brain size 3 Ingroups and outgroups a Reciprocity b Transitivity c Outgroup homogeneity effect d Social identity theory e Ingroup favoritism i Minimal group paradigm f Brain activity associated with ingroups and outgroups The Influence of Groups on Individual Behavior 1 Social Facilitation 2 Deindividuation a When are people most likely to become deindividuated b Stanford Prison Experiment Zimbardo 7 Psych 1000 Ludlam 3 Group Decision Making a Group Polarization b Groupthink 4 Social Loafing Conformity 1 Conformity a Normative influence b Informational influence c Social norms d Conformity in social judgment autokinetic effect and Sherif e Asch Studies 1955 objective line length task i How many participants conformed at least once when confederates gave false answers first ii What reduces conformity Compliance 1 Compliance 8 2 When do people obey authorities and what are factors that reduce obedience 2 Foot in the door effect 3 Door in the face technique 4 Low balling strategy Obedience 1 Obedience Milgram 12 2 When Do People Harm or Help Others Aggression 1 Situational factors that influence aggression 2 Biological factors that influence aggression a MAOA gene b Amygdala and serotonin c Prefrontal cortex d Testosterone 3 Social and cultural factors that influence aggression a Culture of honor Psych 1000 Ludlam 9 Psych 1000 Ludlam Helping Behavior 1 Prosocial behavior 2 Altruism 3 Inclusive fitness a Kin selection b Reciprocal helping 4 Bystander Intervention Effect Bystander Apathy a Diffusion of responsibility b Social blunders c Anonymity Cooperation and Outgroup Bias 1 Shared or superordinate goals Sherif s Robber s Cave experiment 2 Jigsaw classroom Aronson 12 3 Attitudes and Behavior Attitudes can be formed through 1 Experience a Mere exposure effect 10 Psych 1000 Ludlam 4 When are attitudes most likely to predict behavior a Implicit Association Tests IAT https implicit harvard edu implicit 2 How do people reduce dissonance 3 Insufficient justification a Classic study of cognitive dissonance Festinger Carlsmith 1959 2 Conditioning 3 Socialization Types of Attitudes 1 Explicit 2 Implicit Cognitive Dissonance 1 Dissonance 4 Postdecisional dissonance 5 Justification of effort Changing Attitudes with Persuasion 1 Persuasion a Source 11 b Receiver c Content 2 What sources are most credible 3 What arguments are most persuasive 4 Elaboration likelihood model a Central route b Peripheral route 12 4 How People Think About Others Impressions Of Others 1 What affects first impressions 2 Nonverbal behavior a Thin slices of behavior Ambady Rosenthal Attributions About Others 1 Attributions 2 Attribution Theory Heider b Personal Attributions Internal dispositional c Situational Attributions external Psych 1000 Ludlam 12 Psych 1000 Ludlam 3 Attributional Bias a Fundamental Attribution Error correspondence bias b Cultural differences 4 Actor Observer Discrepancy Stereotypes 1 Purpose 2 How are stereotypes maintained a Illusory correlations b Subtyping Prejudice 1 Prejudice 2 Discrimination 4 Stereotypes and perception Payne 2001 5 Modern racism 6 How is stereotyped thinking inhibited 7 Perspective taking and perspective giving 3 What are the processes that produce prejudice and discrimination 13 Psych 1000 Ludlam 12 5 Quality of Relationships

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