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Marketing Schtuff Format 50 multiple choice questions o MK12 MK20 o Topics Marketing Channels and ACV Pricing and Margins and Markups IMC and IMC Planning Personal Selling Sales Forecasting Should know How to calculate base case awareness and CPM BASES purchase intent adjustment 80 30 Should be able to calculate awareness when following is provided vehicle circulation in target market costs etc calculate impact based on cost Should be able calculate ACV when provided o rules of thumb for targeting retailers acceptance rates and penetration o rules of thumb by types of retailer in any given year Should be able to calculate how many salespeople a firm may need to cover a set of retail accounts when given appropriate data o Should also be able to calculate breakeven point between manufacturer s reps and own salespeople when given appropriate data to do so Marketing Channels o Nature and importance of marketing channels o Structure of marketing channels o Channel power o Types of channels o Retailing and multichannel marketing Pricing and Margins and Mark Ups o Steps in setting price o Justification for pricing strategy o Margins Mark Ups Mark Up of cost Margin of price o Cumulative Demand Curves o Maximization of Profit o Bundling IMC 1 and IMC 2 o Communication Process Encoding and decoding o Elements of an IMC Strategy How to convert from margin to a markup on cost and vice versa o Promotional Objectives AIDA o Push vs Pull Marketing o Developing Promotional Programs o Media Terms Reach Frequency CPM o IMC Planning Personal Selling o Personal Selling Process o Sales Management Process o Sales Force Compensation o Determining how many sales people you need o Determining switching point between manufacturer s reps and sales force Awareness impressions in target 4 size of target segment Creative cases ACV MK 13s cases exercises solutions ACV Sales in stores where your product is sold category sales Structure o Independent marketing channel o Administered VMS o Contractual VMS o Corporate VMS Power economic expertise referent legitimate Distribution intensity Selective exclusive intensive Bundling MK 14s under cases exercises solutions IMC strategy o interactive vs passive o Offline vs online Reach target consumers exposed Frequency times reached target consumers exposed CPM total cost of ad target circulation 1000 Selling Process o Consumer Leads Pre approach Sales presentation Closing Follow up DO NOT NEED TO KNOW o Target market classification numbers o Event and outdoor awareness numbers awareness per thousand o Quick test numbers

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BU SMG MK 323 - Marketing Schtuf

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