Biochemistry 4511 Prof Zucai Suo Jennings Hall 001 Tues Thurs 2 20 3 40 PM Contact Information and Office Hours Prof Suo suo 3 osu edu GTA Office Hours Instructor Office Hours Appointment by email Thursdays 4 00 5 00 PM 880 Biological Sciences No appointment is necessary for scheduled office hours Office hours will be held in 880 Biol Sciences Building If you are unable to attend office hours the easiest way to schedule an appointment is by email Textbook OSU Custom Edition of Essentials of Biochemistry 3rd Edition with selected chapters from Fundamentals of Biochemistry Other versions of the book are available but do NOT include by Voet Voet and Pratt Wiley the text from Fundamentals of Biochemistry As part of your textbook purchase you should have received access to the WileyPlus service WileyPlus provides an online copy of the text as well as additional question and educational tools which you may find useful for your studies Quizzes 11 of class grade Grading Quizzes will be administered after recitations throughout All quizzes will be equally weighted except one lowest the Semester scored or missed quiz Recitation Attendance 11 of class grade Two EVENING Exams 52 26 each of class grade Final Exam 26 of class grade Wed April 29 2 00 3 45 PM Re grading within a week of receiving your graded exam or quiz during your recitation section Semester Exams Two EVENING Exams 52 26 each of class grade Wed February 18 7 00 8 45 PM Wed March 25 7 00 8 45 PM All Evening Exams will be held in Jennings Hall Room 001 This is NOT the regular class time Notify your Recitation GTA by email of any conflict one week earlier to schedule an alternative exam time Quizzes A quiz will be administered 5 10 min before the end of each recitations and will typically take 5 to 10 minutes o Quizzes are timed and must be completed during the time allotted Quizzes are Short Answers and Multiple Choices Encourage you to keep up with course material Short quizzes help reinforce concepts Grading Concerns Quizzes and Semester Exams Questions on grading should be discussed with your recitation GTA within 1 week of receiving the graded quiz or exam Final Exam Time crunch on grading questions on grading should be submitted by email ASAP to Dr Suo Once grades have been turned into the registrar it is VERY difficult to change them Make up Exams Requires a personalized note from a medical doctor specifying that in the doctor s medical opinions the student was not capable of sitting for the midterm or final exam There will be NO make up Final Exam without a personalized note from a medical doctor Standard student was at the doctor s office or health services note is not sufficient Recitations Recitation time will be used to work through problem sets and will allow for more detailed examples and discussion of important concepts discussed in lecture Recitations will be administered by one of the class GTA s Brandon Crowe crowe 184 osu edu Three sections on Mondays Anthony A Stephenson stephenson 308 osu edu Three sections on Wednesdays Ila Abhijit Marathe Three sections on Fridays marathe 7 buckeyemail osu edu The recitation week is considered to start Monday for a Monday Wednesday Friday cycle Recitation worksheets will be posted by Sunday Please print the worksheet and bring it to recitation for the week Recitations Recitation attendance will be recorded and contribute 11 to your final class grade o You MUST attend the recitation section you are registered for to receive grade credit although you can attend another recitation M W F cycle for knowledge o You MUST sign into the attendance sheet to receive credit for attending your recitation Students who attend 10 of 11 recitations will receive all 11 There will be NO additional excused absences If a long term health issue or university business will cause you to miss multiple recitations through the semester speak with Dr Suo after class this week to arrange alternatives points Calculators Calculators are allowed only for calculating during quizzes and exams Simple calculators only no cell phones palm pilots laptops language translators tablets or any other device that happens to calculate but does more than crunch basic numbers If your calculator is sufficiently complex to raise any questions check before the day of the exam Non permitted devices will be confiscated for the duration of the exam Office for Disability Services We work with the Office for Disability Services Phone 292 3307 150 Pomerene Hall We will work with both you and with the office to determine appropriate accommodations Contact Prof Suo after class to discuss Academic Misconduct Don t do it Tips to Succeed 1 Memorize what you are asked to memorize Structures of amino acids nucleic acids carbohydrates lipids Metabolic pathways including structures and enzyme names 2 Attend every class recitation and office hours even if you do not have difficulties There is required material that is not in the book 3 Prepare as if there could be a quiz every day This class covers a large amount of material in a very short period of time and Biochemistry is inherently cumulative Continuous studying will help you succeed Schedule Lecture schedule is fluid depending on class progress A more detailed order and list of suggested reading material is available in the syllabus Lecture notes will be available on Carmen Notes will be posted by midnight the night before class Occasionally notes posted on Carmen will not include answers to questions or calculations which will be covered in class You are responsible for all material covered in class Class Schedule General order of subjects Acids bases and buffers Nucleic Acids Amino Acids Proteins Enzymes and Kinetics Lipids Membranes Carbohydrates Metabolism Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis Citric Acid Cycle Electron Transport Oxidative Phosphorylation Lipid and Amino Acid Metabolism Introduction Chapter 1 Biochem 4511 Figures Essentials of Biochemistry 3rd Ed OSU Custom Edition Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 5th Ed Nelson Cox Fundamentals of Biochemistry 2nd Ed Voet Voet Pratt Biochemistry The chemistry of biology Structure and function at atomic level detail Why and how do biomolecules function Molecular Biology The biology of molecules Overall function holistic view What does this biomolecule do A Bit of Perspective A Simple Living Cell Voet Voet 3E Wiley Cells Are Constructed of Chemical Entities Chemical Entities from a Limited Set of Elements Built back up into cellular
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