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Level one o Who wrote it o When was it written o What type of document is it o Main storyline Level Two o Who is the intended audience o Why was it written o Assumptions Level Three Sappho Poems Level one o Written by Sappho o Written in the 6th century BC o It is a poem o It is a love poem Level Two o Is this source reliable and or accurate o What can I learn about the society person who created this document o How does it relate to its context o Intended audience is her lover o Was written to talk about what is beautiful and her love for Helen o Assumptions made include militaristic society Helen is beautiful everyone knows and adores Helen Level Three o Reliable and accurate o I can learn that Lesbos is a feminist island o Sappho is a leader o How does it relate Most society s were male dominated Homer Iliad passage Level one o Written by Homer o Written in 8th 7th century BC o Its an epic poem o Hector is fighting for Troy against Achilles and the Trojans o Ends up being killed by Achilles after being begged by his family to stay in the city Level Two o Main audience is Greeks and anyone interested o Written to teach Greeks honor and high ideals o Assumptions include fate values honor family and bronze technology Level Three o Some parts are reliable o Being honorable was very respected in the society o This relates to the context because the Greeks wanted war Dionysis Level one o Written by Diodorus o It was written in the 1st century BC o It is a myth for us but history for Diodorus o Dionysis got drunk and started planting grapes and olives throughout the country o The achievements of Dionysis Level Two o Intended audience was the Romans and the Greeks o It was written to tell the history of Dionysis o Assumptions Level Three o Its not very accurate but its reliable to teach us what they thought o I can learn that olives and grapes were extremely important to them and that they believed that the gods interact with the humans o It shows their polytheistic tendencies and their mythological beliefs The Spartan Army Level one o Written by Plutarch o Written centuries after the wars o Type of document o It reflects the admiration the ancients had for the Spartan army even centuries after the wars Level Two o It was written for the Greeks Spartans and future army men o Was written to praise the Spartans and their unique way of fighting o Assumption was that the Spartans were the toughest army in Greece Level Three o Reliable or accurate o I can learn that the Spartans destroyed only those who resisted them and spared the rest o Enemies found it better to surrender to them than to fight them o Relates to the context because they were a war bred society and very militaristic Hippocrates on Epilepsy Level one o Hippocrates wrote it o It was written in the 5th century BC o Type of document o It was written about the Sacred Disease which was Epilepsy Physician argued that all disease are natural and the title the Sacred Disease was not just o Intended audience o Why it was written o Assumptions were that the society had doctors who had theory in Level Two medicine Level Three o Reliable or accurate o I can learn that the magicians purifiers charlatans and imposters who first called it sacred were ignorant and tried to hide their flaws o Relate to context Medea Level one o Euripides wrote it o Was written before the Peloponnesian war o It is a play o Medea seeks revenge on her husband for exiling her Level Two Level Three o The intended audience was Athenians o It was written to speak for Greek women and their deep feelings about how hard their life was and to say the war was wrong o Assumptions were that the war was wrong women must bear children do unfortunate things and take husbands o The source is not reliable because it s a play o I can learn that husbands can leave whenever they want to and make women do the work o It relates to the context because society made women stay home more be second to women and bear children History of the Persian Wars Level one o Herotodus wrote it o It was written in 450 BC o It is a narrative o Xerxes who as invading Greece was showing hubris or arrogance o Intended audience Greeks o Why was it written To show the Persians and Xerxes arrogance o Assumptions Level Two Level Three o It is not reliable because it makes the Persians look bad and Herotodus is putting words in Xerxes mouth o I can learn that he wants to expand Persia and take over Athens and Greece first o It relates to the context because it was during the war Lysistrata Level one o Aristophanes wrote it o It was written in 412 BC o It is a Greek comedy o The women of Athens are sick of the war so they get together with the woman of Sparta and have sex with each other until men stop fighting o The intended audience is the aristocratic male audience o It was written to criticize the Peloponnesian War o Assumptions were that women were thought of as weak and lesser Level Two than males Level Three o It is not accurate because it was a play o I can learn that there were growing tensions between the Athenians during the war and that Aristophanes didn t like the war o Men were controlling during this period of time and the Peloponnesian War The Apology Level one o Plato wrote it o Written in early 4th century BC o It is a speech o Socrates is explaining his actions but said if he did corrupt the youth he deserves to be put to death Level two Level three o The intended audience was Athenians o Plato wrote it to accord the events and defend Socrates o Assumptions were that Plato was Socrates most illustrated student o Mostly reliable to tell us how Plato felt and what the Greeks thought about Socrates and what Socrates thought was wrong with Athens o I can learn some of the flaws of Athenian democracy like how they were shutting Socrates out for having different believes than them o Valued conformity o The context was that Socrates was being used as a scapegoat for the end of the Peloponnesian war which end well for Athens Clouds Level one o Aristophanes wrote it o It was written in 423 BC o It is a play o Strepsiades is debating Socrates about where the rain comes from and Socrates is saying its coming from the clouds but Strepsiades says its coming from the gods and the play is making of Socrates Level two Level three o The intended audience is the Athenians or Socrates haters …

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